What is Fats? Why do we need Fats? What are the functions of Fats? What are the ways to reduce body Fats?
Fats (Lipid), is an important source of energy for the body other than Proteins and Carbohydrate. It is produced by the body when an excess intake of calories in the form of food and drinks.
Fat is a component in food. It plays an important role in a healthy diet.
Fat provides the body with a rich source of energy. It provide more than twice the energy provided by an equal weight of carbohydrate. Fats are used as an energy reserve in the body. It can be converted to energy when needed.
Source of energy. Warmth. Protection. Solvent for vitamins.
By exercising and follow a healthy diet.
Cardiovascular exercise are the most effective to lose body fats without compromising lean muscle mass gains. Lifting weights too, helps to lose body fats. It also to raise your metabolism and improve your strength.
By understanding healthy diet pyramid & reading the nutrition label on the food packaging You can see the bands start out wider and get thinner as they approach the top. It means to eat less of those on top & eat more of those below. How do I know how to read the nutrition label? Here is a video of “How to Follow a Healthy Diet by Reading Nutrition Labels” : rl= files/aerobics.jpg&imgrefurl= uZwNu5u8Og=&h=426&w=282&sz=8&hl=en&sig2=wieiZ0wKAbA0RL7IU fzzSg&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=z9ydz9PbP1i_kM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=83&prev= /images%3Fq%3Dcardiovascular%2Bexercise%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26 um%3D1&ei=1eJoS8nDIeSTnAeosPC3Bw&sa=G&um=1&start=5#tbnid=z9 ydz9PbP1i_kM&start=9