The Red Clover Trifolium Pretense Wayne kunkel
Classification The red clover is in the kingdom Plantae Under the division of Magnoliphyta Class of Magnoliopsida Order of Fabales Family of Fabaceae Subfamily of Faboideae Genus of Trifolium Species of Pratense
Uses It is used in farming to promote nitrogen fixation which is where the bacteria in the plants roots take nitrogen out of the atmosphere and put it into the earth May also have medicinal uses, helps with skin problems possibly Figure 1 Shows the flower of the plant which is what is used for medicinal reasons, usually dried.
Location of the Red Clover Grows in open fields It grows in every state Figure 2 Shows the wide area the Red Clover is located
The flower and fruit Figure 3 Shows the flower of a red clover Figure 4 The fruit is the brown pod to the left of the flower The fruit is a pod with usually two seeds in it. Red Clovers has both male and female parts. The flowers have a sweet smell to them.
The bud, leaf and shape of a Red Clover Figure 5 The above shows the bud of a Red Clover Figure 6 The below shows the normal three leaf Red Clover, if you find a four leaf one it is good luck Figure 4 shows the clover’s shape The clover can go to about 20 inches tall. The leaflets are small and are rounded.
References, text classification,uses nitrogen fixation Plants/red-clover.htm uses, medicinal Plants/red-clover.htm USDA, NRCS The PLANTS Database ( 24 June 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA USA ildflowers/red.htm general information ildflowers/red.htm
References text fruit/flower info m general info m REFERENCES, PICTURE d721b2626e_o.jpg figure 5 d721b2626e_o.jpg Flowers/SpFlowers/Trifolium.pratense4.jpg Figure 6 Flowers/SpFlowers/Trifolium.pratense4.jpg
References, picture 12/menopause.jpg figure /menopause.jpg figure ID=trpr2_002_avp.tif figure 3 ID=trpr2_002_avp.tif erness/wildflowers/red.htm figure 4 erness/wildflowers/red.htm