WELCOME TO CLASS Principles of Education and Training DAY 1
RULES/PROCEDURES Student Rules: Be nice, I don’t like rude Do what I ask…there’s a point Be professional with phones – phones can be rude Know what to do, or ask Teacher Rules: Be nice, they don’t like rude Have a point… Be professional with phone – phones can be rude Explain what to do Basics: assignments on board, website, box, nothing back, skyward, grading policy Friday, Sunday, redo, makeup, etc
EXPECTATIONS… Your class starts at a certain time, lets not talk about it until then That’s my space! Those are my toys! Listen! I’ll tell you Don’t get angry, we will work it out Ew, I don’t like it when teachers….
SO, WHY TAKE THIS CLASS? Do you want to be a teacher? A doctor? Nurse? Counselor? A PARENT? A good majority of this class deals with the development of children. We will also look at the development of life in adolescence and adult life.
SYLLABUS Principles of Education and Training is designed to introduce learners to the various careers available within the education and training career cluster. Students use self- knowledge and educational and career information to analyze various careers within the education and training career cluster. Students will also gain an understanding of the basic knowledge and skills essential to careers within the education and training career cluster. Students will develop a graduation plan that leads to a specific career choice in the student's interest area.
INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY It’s important that I learn about you. Like all teachers, I have a corny first day activity so I can start to learn about who you are. Activity: Introduce the person next to you. Just their name, something about them, nothing special, no standing up, no big presentations. No pressure! It’s the first day right?!? Introduce each other. Seating chart.