Plotting Your Course for Comprehensive Monitoring
What? When? Who? How?
WHAT is Comprehensive Monitoring? Joint effort by LEAs & TDE to improve effectiveness of services to students Check of evidence to ensure program implementation is in compliance with federal law Opportunity for technical assistance
WHEN is Comprehensive Monitoring? LEAs, not scheduled for on-site monitoring, complete self-monitoring annually On-site monitoring team visits every 3 years
WHO Are the Monitors? The on-site monitoring team is composed of state consultants other than the NCLB consultant assigned to your system
Dont Wait to Begin Preparing
Getting Your Gear Together
Examples of Documents Needed Consolidated Application & Addenda Budget Documents Plans such as TCSPP, TSIPs, Technology, & Parent Involvement Various Board Policies
Sample Indicators & Evidences 6. Funds are drawn down from FACTS regularly in correlation to expenditures. –Grants Transaction Report –Quarterly Expenditure Report
13. The LEA maintains a log/database for equipment purchased. –Equipment Log / Database –Budget documents –Visual inspection –Identification tag / label
36. Title I funds are used to supplement funds made available from non-federal sources. *REQUIRED *Enrollment data by school *List of teachers by grade / subject *Budget documents *Comparability Report
More Examples of Items to Collect Documentation of all PD & PI Activities Sign-in Sheets Agendas or Minutes Calendars or Schedules Evidence of Parental Notifications Letters Newsletters Student Handbooks
Sample Items for SW School Visits Home Language Surveys Parent-Student-School Compacts Schedules of Parapros & Teachers *10 Components of a SW Title I School in TSIP * Similar for TA Schools
*(b.) schoolwide reform strategies with emphasis on improved achievement of the lowest achieving students; Match TSIPP Pg# _____ to activities *(d.) high quality and ongoing professional development activities; Match TSIPP Pg# _____ to activities *(g.) plans for assisting preschool children from early childhood programs to elementary school programs; Match TSIPP Pg# _____ to activities
Tips for Plotting a Smooth Course
Organize Your Gear
Label Your Gear
More Tips All local program directors and the federal programs bookkeeper should be present during comprehensive on-site monitoring Be prepared to show documentation of compliance for each item on the monitoring instrument
Call your NCLB Consultant to Guide Your Course for On-Site Comprehensive Monitoring
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