1 Woonsocket Education Department Woonsocket Education Department FY14 Budget Presentation Giovanna Donoyan, PHD Superintendent of Schools May 2013
Woonsocket Education Department 2 Woonsocket Education Department FY14 Revenue - All Sources Unrestricted Revenue State$48,133,625 Local 15,173,342 Federal 1,362,000 Other 1,103,000 Sub-Total $65,771,967 Restricted Revenue Capital Reserve $650,000 Federal * 7,820,646 Sub-Total $8,470,646 Total All Sources $74,242,613 * Final amount reduced due to sequestration
Woonsocket Education Department FY14 Unrestricted Revenue Sources 3 Woonsocket Education Department
4 FY 14 Operating Budget Overview Woonsocket Education Department is proposing to spend $65.7 million in FY14 which is $193,220 less than the projected expense level for FY13. The budget includes the following changes in revenues: $1.4 million more anticipated state education aid The FY14 budget includes significant savings in employee benefits that are offset by increases in special education services, out of district tuition and utilities. Woonsocket Education Department
5 Woonsocket Education Department Summary – 2014 Operating Budget By Category of Expenses Budget Category Projected FY13 Closeout FY14 Budget ProjectionsDifference% Change Salaries$37,363,505$38,287,149$923, % Employee Benefits$17,012,850$15,459,612-$1,553, % Professional and Technical Services$941,379$1,071,351$129, % Property Services$578,694$552,852-$25, % Other Purchased Services$7,119,876$7,401,331$281, % Supplies$2,628,270$2,631,619$3, % Property and Equipment$294,897$339,635$44, % Other$25,716$28,418$2, % Total$65,965,187$65,771,967-$193, % Woonsocket Education Department
Woonsocket Education Department FY14 Operating Budget by Category of Expenses Total $65,771,967 6 Woonsocket Education Department
7 Salaries Salaries for all employees (administrative, certified, non certified, non-union, and substitute staff) are proposed at total $38.3 million which is approximately $924,000 less than FY13 projected expenditures based on the following: Savings The majority of savings in FY13 were related to unfilled positions at the District and Building Administrative level and staff reductions. Increases Contractual step and longevity increases. Some salary lines are impacted by the reallocation of costs to provide accurate accounting of personnel (UCOA). Woonsocket Education Department
8 Employee Benefits Employee benefits include health, dental coverage, pension, Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and workers compensation. Employee benefits total $15.5 million which was approximately $1.55 million less than FY13 projected expenditures. Savings Attributed to the utilization of the Budget Commission recommended working rates for the medical insurance expense and the assumption of a unified health care plan Increases Rate increases in pension expenses for non-certified personnel increased $71,418 for FY14. Unemployment compensation is proposed at nearly $100,000 more than the FY13 projected amount. Woonsocket Education Department
9 Professional and Technical Services Services in this category consist of auditing, legal, police and fire details, school physician and dentist, officials and referees, and contracted nursing services. This category is budgeted for $1,071,351 which is approximately 13.8% more than FY13 projected and attributed to increases in educational and technical services. Woonsocket Education Department
Property Services Property services include cleaning/disposal services, repairs and maintenance, utility services, equipment rentals, and other property services. Property services are projected to total $553,000 or approximately 5% less than FY13 projected expenditures. The primary reason for the reduction is due to a 8% decrease in repairs and maintenance services and a 10% decrease in rental expenses. 10 Woonsocket Education Department
11 Other Purchased Services Other purchased services include transportation, property & liability insurance, advertising, printing, out of district tuition, tuition to charter and State schools, and travel expenses. Other purchased services is projected to total $7.4 million which is $281,455 or approximately 4% more than FY13 projected expenditures. The primary reason for the increase is related to a potential 10% increase in overall tuition costs for special education out of district tuition and related transportation costs. Woonsocket Education Department
12 Supplies The budget category of supplies covers a wide range of district supply needs including custodial and maintenance,utilities, general classroom and office, library books and reference materials, technology supplies, graduation, athletic, and textbooks for both public and non-public school students. Supplies are projected to total $2.6 million which is $3,349 or 1% more than FY 13 projected expenditures. While overall costs control resulted in reductions for general, maintenance, custodial and technology supplies, it should be noted that increases are attributed to anticipated and realistic expenses for FY14 including gas, fuel oil and utility cost increases. Public school textbooks expense line was held firm at FY13 levels at $201,000. The WED based expenses on the State average per pupil rate. Woonsocket Education Department
13 Property and Equipment This budget category includes building improvements, equipment, furniture and fixtures, district technology hardware and software and associated licenses. The total projected expenses of $339,635 for property and equipment include an overall increase of $44,738 reflecting in large part to an equipment line increase of $35,000. Woonsocket Education Department
14 Other This budget category includes dues and fees associated with the School Committee, district, student, and RI Interscholastic League. This category is $2,702 or 10.5% more than FY13 projected expenditures. Woonsocket Education Department