Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance Social aspects of long term care and support.


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Presentation transcript:

Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance Social aspects of long term care and support

The YPINH Alliance An alliance of young people and their families, providers and advocates Began in 2001 to create change Campaigned to get young people out of aged care and to reform the pathways that put them there Representation in each State/Territory Focus on policy issues underlying systemic change around long term care and support issues

Process and Outcomes

Long Term Care and Support LTCS better seen as an approach than a model? Key principles: LTCS must complement and promote citizenship LTCS must optimise consumer autonomy and control LTCS must be sustainable and competent LTCS must be accountable

Interpreting meaning in LTCS Major process for individuals to integrate a barrage of expert advice after acquiring a disability LTCS managers need to understand the power of control and autonomy and the powerful role of consumers Too easy to underestimate and misinterpret consumer interests by putting them through a therapeutic filter

Targeting effort in LTCS Do we know what consumers really want? Are we limited by design or intent? Do we deliver LTCS based on our capacity or consumer needs and interests? Do we really understand what we do (evidence)? What do people with MS want from their organisations? 1.A cure 2.To talk with others with MS 3.Detailed information 4.Specialist services

LTCS programs are not islands Community context important People with a disability are ‘shut out’ and social indicators are for people with disabilities are grim Education – school completion 30% lower Employment – employment participation 35% lower Poverty – income levels half the national average Expectation that LTCS programs will deliver where the community cannot –

Continuous Care Pilots Keeping young people out of aged care Programs within the COAG Young People in Residential Aged Care Initiative – 36 people with progressive conditions over 2 states Joining up health, community and disability services Closely linking clinical and social imperatives Risk management approach with intensive case coordination 100% success rate Timing and competence more important than service quantum

Continuous Care Pilots Keeping young people out of aged care Key risks: Carer burnout, dependent children, equipment needs not met, social isolation, cognitive impairment, unsustainable housing, financial stress Risk identification: Was best done collaboratively, and with high value placed on consumer’s own frame of reference Success factors: Highly skilled workers, prospective planning, consumer involvement, dynamic review and flexible brokerage funds

Essential LTCS scheme capacities LTCS schemes should be players in their communities Undertake capacity building and community development Utilise a wide range of service interventions Use assessments wisely and sparingly but invest in competent lifetime support management Evaluate/report interventions and outcomes Decentralise and share provider management