Town Hall Meeting Budget Update and Planning November 13, 2006
Agenda Summary of FY 06 Summary of FY 06 Budget for FY 07 Budget for FY 07 Issues for FY 08 and FY 09 Issues for FY 08 and FY 09 Preliminary FY 08 View Preliminary FY 08 View Budget Advisory Group Budget Advisory Group Time Line Time Line
Fall to Fall Retention New Entering Students NEF 72% 72.4% 70.7% 72.5% NET 73.7% 75.2% 73% 73.9% FYE NA NA NA 75.5%
Graduation Rates NEF (Full & Part Time) 3-Yr 4-Yr 5-Yr 6-Yr 1999 Cohort 13.4% 37.1%44.9% 2000Cohort17.5% 39.2% 46.4% NET (Full & Part Time) 3-Yr 4-Yr 5-Yr 6-Yr 1999 Cohort 30.4% 47.1% 54.8%57.3% 2000Cohort 32.5% 48.5% 56.3% 58.8%
On-Line Course Enrollments FY 04 3,282 FY 05 4,277 FY 06 7,858 In FY 06, 60% of enrollments were by students also enrolled in day classes.
High School Graduation % decline in 5-state (MN, ND, SD, IA, WI) 11.7% decline in 5-state (MN, ND, SD, IA, WI) 10.3% decline in MN 10.3% decline in MN 19% decline in white graduates 19% decline in white graduates 52% increase in graduates of color 52% increase in graduates of color
Authorized Faculty Searches Fall 07 Probationary 31 Probationary 31 Fixed Term 9 Fixed Term 9
Applied Doctorates Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration Psy.D. in Applied Psychology Aud.D. in Audiology D.B.A. in Business D.N.P. in Nursing
Budget Advisory Group Charge Serve as a broadly based forum for discussion and advice on the process, system and structure of the allocation/reallocation of resources to insure support of the mission, vision and strategic plan of the University and review the execution of the budget plan as each fiscal year progresses.
Budget Advisory Group Process Meets Bi-Weekly Meets Bi-Weekly Tuesdays 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. AMC Tuesdays 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. AMC Open Meetings Open Meetings Recommendations forwarded to Recommendations forwarded to President and through M&C Process President and through M&C Process
Budget Advisory Group Initial Activities Recommend Budget Principles Recommend Budget Principles Establish Ad Hoc Work Groups Establish Ad Hoc Work Groups Budget Assumptions Budget Assumptions Base Budget Analysis Base Budget Analysis Tuition Analysis Tuition Analysis Budget Models for Future Budget Models for Future
Budget Advisory Group Current Budget Planning Cycle Issues Assumptions for 08 and 09 Assumptions for 08 and 09 Initiative Funds Initiative Funds Tuition Proposals Tuition Proposals Influences of Budget on Performance Influences of Budget on Performance Indicators Indicators
Budget Advisory Group Future Budget Planning Issues Review of Budget Models Review of Budget Models Review of Base Budgets Review of Base Budgets Staying Abreast of Trends Staying Abreast of Trends
Budget Time Line October, Initial decisions made for FY 08 faculty searches -“Final” fall enrollment determined November, Workgroups begin -Town Hall budget meeting -Requests made of units for recommendations for reallocations or resources for FY 08 -Initial OOC budget request determined -Audited financial statements complete December, Work Group on assumptions report results
Budget Time Line, cont. January, Work Groups on tuition, models and base budget report results February, Town Hall budget meeting April, OOC provides initial estimates of allocation -“Trial” budget constructed around allocation and assumptions -Town Hall budget meeting
Budget Time Line, cont. May, Appropriation set for FY 08 and FY 09 -Initial supply and equipment allocations June, Tuition set July, Initial state allocation fixed August, Town Hall budget meeting November, Budget Model in place to review initial FY 09 allocations
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