All About Me By Aubrey SWAIM
My Family In my family there are five of us there is my mom Jamie, dad Darcy, sister Payton, brother Riley, lastly there is me Aubrey. Then I have two dogs their names are Niles, and Simon.
My Favorite School Subjects MATH READING ART SCIENCE ORCHESTRA I love these hobbies because I’m good in math. I love to read and to draw. I love to do experiments. I also play the violin just like my mom and sister.
Aubrey’s Prized Possession My prized possession is my dairy because I have had it ever sense I could write. My diary is like my BFF / best friend forever.
My Career Choice My career choice is to be a nurse or a RN just like my dad.
Aubrey’s Hobby My favorite hobby is Horseback Riding because I love horses. They are pretty, and smart.