BEA’s Government Accounts: Facing New Challenges Brian C. Moyer Chief, Government Division National Economic Accounts Data Users’ Conference April 13, 2007
2 BEA’s Government Accounts Government current receipts and expenditures Government consumption expenditures and gross investment Other related statistics Expenditures and gross investment by function Fixed assets Federal budget translation International submissions—OECD and IMF
3 Improvements to the Accounts Recent improvements “Government as producer” Estimates of real expenditures and gross investment by function Planned improvements for 2008 Example: Private-sector treatment of insurance for government-owned business enterprises
4 National Flood Insurance Corporation Published Proposed Current Surplus
5 Looking beyond 2008 … Improved measures of real government output— education and health services Return to government fixed assets “Real-time” data on state and local governments Government enterprise sectoring
6 Education and Health Services Purpose: To develop improved measures of real education and health services that reflect productivity change Health Initial research on health services prices Investigating price and quantity indicators based on data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Education Initial research on quality-adjusted volume indicators First steps toward a human capital satellite account
7 Real Output, K-12 Education
8 Return to Government Fixed Assets Purpose: To develop measures of services of government fixed assets that will support long-term efforts to measure productivity of the government sector BEA working with BLS to develop price and quantity indicators for government capital services The key issue: What is the most appropriate rate-of- return for government fixed assets?
9 Alternative Rates-of-Return Billions of 2000 Dollars
10 Real-time Data on S&L Governments Purpose: To develop improved measures of quarterly S&L expenditures Annual data available from the Census Bureau’s Government Finance Survey Pilot study in place to assess the availability of quarterly expenditures data for a few local governments
11 S&L Expenditures: A hypothetical example Total consumption expenditures Compensation and CFC Intermediate Goods and Services Less: Sales to Other Sectors Total consumption expenditures Compensation and CFC Intermediate Goods and Services Less: Sales to Other Sectors
12 Real-time Data on S&L Governments Purpose: To develop improved measures of quarterly S&L expenditures Annual data available from the Census Bureau’s Government Finance Survey Pilot study in place to assess the availability of quarterly expenditures data for a few local governments
13 Enterprise Sectoring Purpose: To modernize the treatment of government enterprises by separating market from non-market institutional units and transactions Federal enterprises relatively straightforward Difficult data issues for S&L enterprises Large number of units Difficulty identifying separate institutional units Statistics on transactions—receipts, expenses, income receipts on assets, and subsidies—are often commingled