Ch. 2, Sec. 1 The Earth Inside and Out Solar System Center is sun-93 million miles away from Earth. Earth is 3 rd planet from sun. What are planets in order???
Structure of the Earth Inside the Earth –Core-center of earth made up of nickel and iron. Inner is a solidOuter is a liquid –Mantle-made up of several layers. Thickest part –Crust-thinnest layer made up of rock
On and Above the Earth –Atmosphere-layer of gases surrounds earth. –Lithosphere-solid rock part of surface that includes the mantle. –Hydrosphere-makes up water on earth. –Biosphere-part of earth where plants and animals live.
Continental Drift Continents are always moving –Started as Pangaea-1 supercontinent. –Broke into 2 parts-Laurasia & Gondwanaland –Continue moving into 7 continents.
Ch. 2, Sec. 2 Bodies of Water & Landforms Bodies of Water –Oceans & Seas Make up 71% of planet. 4 Main Parts??? _______, _______, _______, _______ Made of Salt water 3 basic motions? _______, _______, _______ Motion helps keep temperatures even on earth. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic Waves, currents, tides Iguacu Falls Argentina 275 Falls
Hydrological Cycle Continuous circulation of water between atmosphere, oceans, and earth. Evaporation, Condensation, Transpiration, Runoff.
Landforms See Landform Activities Paper Relief-difference in elevation of a landfrom from lowest to highest points Topography-Shape of landforms and distribution of landforms on a map. –SHOWS VERTICAL DIMENSIONS(Height)
Ch. 2, Sec. 3 Internal Forces Shaping Earth Plate Tectonics –Huge plates moving constantly that float on magma and represent the lithosphere. Slide past each other at fault lines –3 Types of Plate Movement Divergent-plates moving apart. & Egypt) Convergent-plates collide either crumbling or one plate diving under the other. (India & Asia-Himalayas) Transform-plates slide past one another causing earthquakes
Earthquakes As plates move, earthquakes occur. 1000s happen every year, but many are not known. –Seismograph-instrument that detects and measures waves created by earthquakes. –Richter Scale-uses seismograph information to measure strength of earthquake. Tsunami-caused by earthquake in water. Large waves created Volcanoes-located along fault lines –Erupt shooting magma called lava, gases, ash, rocks, and dust.