My objective is: To study the location and characteristics of tectonic activity I Can describe the global distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes. Understand how the movement of plates leads to earthquakes and volcanic action. Know the characteristic features found at plate boundaries Recognise the different ways that earthquakes can be measured Understand the reasons why people continue to live in active tectonic zones Know the causes and effects of a named volcanic eruption or earthquake Recognise the different ways that volcanic activity and earthquakes can be predicted and prevented.
Continental crust Convergent/destructive plate boundary Core Convection currents Crust Divergent/constructive plate boundary Earthquake Epicentre Fault Focus Fold mountains Hot spot Intrusion Island arc Liquefaction Mantle Mercalli scale Mid- ocean ridge Oceanic crust Ocean trench Plate Plate Boundary Pyroclastic flow Richter scale Seismograph Subduction zone Transform/ conservative plate boundary Volcano
Distribution (Where) Plate Tectonics (What & Why) Plate Boundaries (What) ConvergentDivergent Conservative Hot Spots some volcanoes do not occur near plate boundaries Measure quakes Mercelli scale Earthquakes Richter scale Focus Epicentre
Why live near volcanoes? Why live near Earthquake activity? PredictionPlanning & Education Building design & Defence What can we do? Social EnvironmentalEconomicEnvironmentalEconomic Social