Inside Earth Chapter 2 Earthquakes 2.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves
2.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key Concepts How does the energy of an earthquake travel through Earth? What are the scales used to measure the strength of an earthquake? How do scientists locate the epicenter of an earthquake?
2.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key Terms Seismograph – A device that records ground movement caused by seismic waves as they move through Earth. Earthquake – The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s surface.
2.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key Terms Focus – The point beneath Earth’s surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake. Epicenter – The point of Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus.
Focus and Epicenter
2.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key Terms P Waves S Waves Surface waves
2.2 Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key Terms Magnitude – The measurement of an earthquake’s strength based on seismic waves and movement along faults. Mercalli scale – Rates earthquake according to intensity and how much damage the cause. Richter scale – Rates an earthquake’s magnitude based on size of seismic waves. Moment magnitude scale – Rates earthquake by estimating the total energy released.