Corso di Sistemazione dei Bacini idrografici – a.a /07/08 Ilaria Pretto UPSTREAM FLOOD ATTENUATION PROJECT: SLAD BROOK PILOT
WORK with others: INVOLVE the community WATER21 CORE VALUES: LOW COST – LONG TERM holistic permanent solutions RESPECT NATURE: soft engineered naturalistic approach
Hydrology Hydraulic Modelling Historical use and Geology ASPECTS TO BE CONSIDERED: Topography
Volume calculation: Eliminating the hydrograph’s peak PROPOSAL: Complete Flood Control Vol=144,000 m 3
Completely disperse the flood volume upstream PROPOSAL: A Community Led Plan Respect and increase biological diversification in micro-habitat Possible hydro-power, fisheries, biomass & irrigation reservoirs Improve the water quality & reduce drought
Any Question? Thank you for your attention – GRAZIE!!!! UPSTREAM FLOOD ATTENUATION PROJECT