My 5 th Grade Portfolio Jeffrey Robinson
Opening Note Date: These are things I think I do well. 1.Math 2.Science 3.Language Arts I am most proud of Art
The one thing I need to continue to work on the most is Social Studies. You can help me do this by letting me use the computer so I can look on the online text book. My goal for next term is to get even better grades.
School Feelings I feel the best about myself in class when I get a question right. I have the most fun in this class when we play fun learning games. I feel proud of myself in this class when I get good grades. The best thing I contribute to this class is friendship.
Self Report Card Always, Usually, Sometimes Seldom I use time wisely always. I follow directions always. I complete assignments on time always. I get my planner signed every week usually. My papers are neat usually. I work quietly sometimes. My desk is organized usually. I work well in groups sometimes. I put a lot of effort in my work always. I participate in class discussions always.
Math Reflection Things that I have learned 1.Dividing fractions 2.Different methods 3.How to change fractions to mixed numbers. Things I have to work on 1.Division 2.Number stories 3.Dividing Fractions.
Math Reflection continued I feel good when I work in math class because I am always learning something new. Outside of school, I use math when I play card games.
Reading Reflection Things that I have learned 1.Cause and effect 2.Problem and solution 3.Literacy circles Things that I have to work on 1.time lines 2.reading when I am suppose to. 3.loging in my minutes.
Home Reading Reflection What kind of books do you like to read? I like books about dragons. How do you choose something to read? Most of the time I just pick a book. What can you do to become a better reader? Read a lot more then I do now.
Reflection on Writing I think my writing is (improving/ area for growth/ strong)improving because its getting neater. I am really proud of my reading.
Writer’s Workshop I feel creative when I work in writer’s workshop because I can write stories. I use writing in my everyday life when do homework,.
Social Studies Reflection My favorite thing about Social Studies this year was the foster project. I learned the following information 1. Different land formations. 2.Some kids have a hard life. 3.There is a mountain named Whitney.
Science Reflection My favorite thing about Science this year was mixtures and solutions. I learned the following information 1.Pop is a chemical reaction 2.A car always moves to the center of the earth. 3.Their are white blood cells.