Indian Independence
Nationalist Movement begins… National Congress Muslim League
Gandhi Redefines Movement….
Gandhi- National Congress made more democratic and open to all (bring in the peasants and middle class) Instead of terrorism and passing resolutions, need to take action Action would be peaceful, but involved non-submission to what was wrong
Civil Disobedience/Non-violent Protest What kind of oppression is it and how long has it been going on? Depends on who is in power (do they care if they’re hurting you or not?) Will take a long time (how soon must you achieve your goal?) How do you keep people disciplined? Depends on numbers to show strength How desperate are people?
Spinning Wheel…
Salt March… (1930)
British Agree to Indian Independence… Public opinion forced them to make concessions to Gandhi British tired of expenses needed to maintain control of India British agreed Indian people finally “ready” to govern selves
How did the partition of India impact migration of peoples?
Pakistan/India today
Jawaharlal Nehru Created terms such as “neutralism,” “Third World” and “non-alignment” Drawn to ideology of communism, but leery of violence and “ruthless suppression of contrary opinion” Also felt had been oppressed by capitalism but admired freedoms and western ideals
“Nonalignment does not mean passivity of mind or action, lack of faith or conviction. It does not mean submission to what we consider evil. It is a positive and dynamic approach to such problems that confront us. We believe that each country has not only the right to freedom but also to decide its own policy and way of life. Only thus can true freedom flourish and a people grow according to their own genius” -Nehru’s speech in Washington DC in Dec 1956