Theme 14: Religious extremism, fundamentalism. The international terrorism.
The plan: 1. Religious extremism, fundamentalism, their essence. 2. Not recognized sects also it is religious - political trends. 3. The international terrorism and its consequences.
Extremism (Latin extreme) - heterogeneous and contradictory phenomenon, a commitment to extreme views, actions, the desire to extreme, the most insidious and violent means extreme, the most insidious and violent means to achieve their political goals and to establish their political power, using any means, including and religion (religious extremism).
EXTREMISM Politically, extremism against established social structures and institutions, trying to undermine the stability, undermine and overthrow to achieve their goals, usually by force. For extremists organizations and movements using populist slogans and appeals outright demagoguery, organize and provoke riots. Extremism rejects in principle any compromises, negotiations, agreements, etc.
EXTREMISM In ideological terms, rejects extremism all dissent, trying hard to adopt its system of political, ideological or religious beliefs, to impose their opponents at any cost, requires its adherents blind obedience and execution of even the most inhuman orders and instructions....
extremism political national Religious
Political extremism aimed at the destruction of existing state structures and the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship of the order.
Nationalist extremism speaking from the position of the alleged protection of the nation, its rights and interests, culture and language, denies similar rights for other national and ethnic groups. Nationalist extremism is organically linked to separatism, is aimed at the collapse of nation states, to consolidate the rule of the radical nation. Such extremism leads to aggravation of interethnic relations and is a source of enmity and conflict between nations.
Political extremism manifested in anarchy. For example, after the collapse of the USSR on the territory of the former Soviet republics such as Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, and a number of other political extremism is widespread. As elements of political extremism particularly clearly manifested in the events in Uzbekistan - in Ferghana (1989), Andijan (2005), and in Osh events in Kyrgyzstan
Countering Extremist Activities implemented in the following areas: - The adoption of preventive measures aimed at prevention of extremist activity, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to extremist activity; - Detection, prevention and suppression of extremist activity of public and religious associations, and other organizations and individuals
Religious extremism used for political purposes in the fight against religious organizations against the secular state or government for the approval of representatives of one denomination. Religious extremism has become an important part of the religious doctrine of some fundamentalist elements who reject the secular, democratic and legal system of the state.
current, when an integral part of the religious consciousness - the people's faith was not used as a created, as a destructive force. The most characteristic manifestations of this is a fanatical belief in the truthfulness of his confession-wing and complete intolerance of any public - or if it changes. Fundamentalis m
Islamic fundamentalism preaching the reform of religion through the "purification" of the theory and practice of Islam in the spirit of early Islam, a return to "true" faith elimination of secular authority and approval of a new global caliphate.
Fundamentalism Some of the reactionary religious organizations that use Islam for political purposes, include the association "Muslim Brotherhood", in some countries arabsih, "Dar-ul-Islami" in Indonesia, "Islamic Liberation Party" originated in 1953 in Israel and other. In Central Asia, including and Uzbekistan, is a particular threat vahabbistov movement, a religious political party "Hizbbut Tahrir", etc.
religio-political movement in Islam, formed in the XVIII century. Wahhabism is named after Muhammad ibn Abd al - Wahhab Al - Tamimi ( ), who is a follower of Ibn Taymiyah ( ). Wahhabis
The founder is scheyh Taheddin Nabahony ( ), which he was leader of the religious – extremistic organization in Jordan, "Brothers Muslims." The purpose of the party: extreme fundamentalism. Life on the old law, sharia, creating a single Muslim caliph. "Hizb ut-Tahrir"
Conception "Terror" comes from the Latin, the language (terror-the fear, the horror).
Terrorism it is publicly committed dangerous action or the threat thereof, to intimidate the public or social groups, to direct or indirect impact on the acceptance of any - or a decision or be waived in the interest of terrorists.
distinctions 1. Terrorism creates a common danger. 3. The deliberate creation of an environment of fear, depression, tension. 2. Public nature of performance. 4. When committing general-dangerous terrorism.
There are several reasons for resorting to terrorism in general, of which can be identified a) nature of the causes of psychopathological c) selfish motives, which may displace the ideological or overlap with them. Additionally, hire someone just to carry out terrorist acts b) motives of self-affirmation, giving their work a special significance to overcome the alienation of standardization d) Terrorism is often the result of an absolute belief in the possession of the highest, ultimate truth, a unique recipe for "saving" of his people, groups, or even all of humanity.
Entered the XXI century, the world was faced with a qualitatively new kind of threat to international security - international terrorism. Acts of terrorism have occurred in various parts of the past, but now the problem is getting world-wide scope. Terrorists create branched structures with a focus of their units. There is a huge variety of ways to carry out terror attacks, the association of terrorism with organized crime and its international character evident.
Today, the main source of financing of terrorism - is the control of criminal terrorists - honest organizations to drug trafficking, racketeering, prostitution, arms trafficking, smuggling, gambling, etc.
Terrorism - is not national but global problem that can only solve the global community. International cooperation against terrorism takes place at several levels - global, regional, multilateral and bilateral. Created by international and regional organizations, a number of conventions, resolutions, many of which were adopted under the auspices of the UN, is bilateral cooperation in this area
Terrorism - is not national but global problem that can only solve the global community. International cooperation against terrorism takes place at several levels - global, regional, multilateral and bilateral. Created by international and regional organizations, a number of conventions, resolutions, many of which were adopted under the auspices of the UN, is bilateral cooperation in this area.
fanaticism (Latin frowning) - carried to an extreme degree of commitment to what - or faiths, religions and beliefs, intolerance of other people's views.
Babitsts movement ideological leader of Muhammad Ali, who took the nickname "Bab" ("gate" in the sense of an intermediary between the people and the gods). Bab preached equality and brotherhood of all people, of course, only Muslims. Mahdists movement mass liberation movements in countries colonies The most famous - mahdists movement in a sedan (Africa) in (Chapter - Muhammad Ahmad Mahdi (ie savior
Religious political party "hizbbut Tahrir", "Islamic Liberation Party" originated in 1953 in Israel. The founder is Sheik Taheddin Nabahony ( ), which he was leader of the religious - extremists field organization in Jordan "Brothers Muslims." PURPOSE OF THE PARTY: Extreme fundamentalism. Old life under Sharia law, a unified Muslim caliph. Wahhabism founder Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahhab. Arose among beduiono Arabi in the XVIII century, which reflected a protest against the elements of luxury getaways and urban merchants and rich