Chapter The United States + The World
Goals of Foreign Policy
National Security Focuses mainly on the threat of war and keeping the nation safe from harm
Stop Terrorism The use of violence to intimidate or coerce societies or governments 9-11 Timeline
World Peace Having all countries working together to prevent war Not this type of World Peace
Trade Trade creates markets for American goods and services, earning profits for US businesses
Human Rights and Democracy Have all countries respect human rights of freedom, justice, and equality Also the promotion of democratic governments
Tools of Foreign Policy Defense – Defend ourselves from aggression, or an attack or threat of attack by another country
Alliances The US forms military, political, and economic alliances with other countries – Examples – NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), OAS (Organization of American States), OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) – WWI Alliances WWI Alliances
NATO Member Countries
Diplomacy The relations and communications carried out between countries Summit Meetings- a meeting at which the President talks about important issues with heads of other governments
Foreign Aid A program of giving military and economic aid to other countries US Foreign Aid
Trade Measures Quotas- how much of a foreign product can be sold in the US Tariff- a tax on foreign goods sold in the US Sanctions- measures to stop or limit trade with another nation in order to change its behavior
Intelligence Information about another country and what their government plans are (CIA)
Section 2- Making Foreign Policy President (Commander in Chief) – Sets defense policies, makes treaties, appoints ambassadors, and executive agreements Department of State – Advises the President on foreign policy, has over 16,000 officials working in other countries Department of Defense – Advises the President on matters such as which weapons to make and where to place military bases and troops
National Security Council – Includes the President, Vice President, and the Secretaries of State and Defense, and other advisors
Role of Congress in Foreign Policy Approve or reject treaties and declare war
Role of Private Groups Businesses that trade with other nations have a direct interest in US Foreign Policy – (Oil industry) Labor groups want to protect American workers – Limiting and taxing certain imports and pressure government to have people buy more American Goods Political Groups Individual Citizens
Section 3- Foreign Policy in Action Early Years the US practiced isolationism – Limits our relations with other countries as much as possible Neutrality- not taking sides in wars between other countries
Monroe Doctrine December President James Monroe – When nations attempted to colonize any lands in North or South America the US would view it as an act of aggression and require US retaliation (Told European Nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere)
World War I The US at first was neutral but eventually declared war against Germany and joined the Allies
WWII- The End of Isolationism After WWII the US was the richest and most powerful country in the world and should play a role in keeping world peace
The Cold War Soviet Union took control of several Eastern European Countries Containment- using military power and money to prevent the spread of communism – Began with economic aid but led to military aid – Examples (Cuban Missile Crisis, Korean War, Vietnam War)
Cold War Cooperation During the 1970s there was a period of détente where tensions eased between the US and Soviet Union The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union in 1991 transitioned to a democracy and market economy
Eastern Europe The US helped Eastern European countries establish democratic and market economies – The Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary were all invited to join NATO in 1999
Relations with China Trade with China has increased although their treatment of citizens has outraged Americans Tiananmen Square Massacre
Today’s Challenges Economic Challenges – Unbalanced US trade with Japan and China They buy far less of our goods than we buy of theirs Middle Eastern Oil Nations – Foreign Policy in the Middle East will continue to be impacted by Oil Latin America – Most have weak democratic governments
Today’s challenges Eastern Europe – Standard of living is low, civil wars like those in Bosnia and Serbia, and 3 former Soviet States still have nuclear weapons Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus Africa – Contain some of the poorest nations in the world, political instability, civil wars, and disease.