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So You Wanna Be a Resident Megans Mix Hodge Podge $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $600 $800 $1,000 Lender Bender Making the Grade
For which state financial aid programs might you be required to review transcripts?
State Grant, Postsecondary Child Care Grant & SOS Grant
How much previous postsecondary attendance requires a transcript review?
3 or more full-time academic years
Name the 3 items you enter on OHEs transcript review spreadsheet for a clock hour transcript
1.Whether course work was before/after 7/1/92 2.Weeks of enrollment 3.Total clock hours during period of enrollment
List Two Cases Where W Credits Can be Excluded When Determining Units of PSE for State Grant
Major Medical Illness (SG only) Military Active Duty (post December 31, 2001)
Name 5 Types of Courses That Can Be Excluded When Reviewing Transcripts (Other than medical or military withdrawals)
PSEO, AP, IB Credits CEU, CLEP or Audited Classes Non-Participating MN College Program < 8 Weeks Not Offered by College
Dependent, graduated from high school in ND, family moved to MN 2 months before student enrolled full- time at MN college, FAFSA submitted during first week of attendance
Yes. Parents Resided in MN When FAFSA Submitted.
Graduated from MN high school, lives in CA, takes on-line classes from MN college
No. If established MN residency by graduating from MN high school, must physically attend MN college if residing in another state.
Independent Graduated from HS in WI Moved to MN 07/15/2009 Enrolled at U of M for 4 credits during spring term Moved back to WI 06/30/2010 Moved back to MN 09/01/2010 to attend U of M full-time
No. Never resided in MN for 12 consecutive months without attending college for 6 or more credits during any term.
Independent Moved to MN at age 25 on July 1, 2008 Called away on active duty from 1/15/2009 – 1/31/2010 Back in MN February 2010 Starting college August 2010
Yes. If called to active duty from MN, time on active duty can count towards 12-month period in MN.
Earned HS diploma in ND Moved to MN with parents 03/01/2009 Filed FAFSA as dependent once in MN Attended Metro State University full-time Independent for
Yes. Student who establishes residency as dependent because parents reside in MN when FAFSA completed does not lose residency if dependency status changes, assuming student continues to reside in MN.
Minimum number of on-time monthly SELF loan payments required to regain eligibility for state financial aid
4 monthly payments
A SELF loan default effects eligibility for which federal financial aid program(s)?
For which terms of the academic year can the student be paid State Grant if the loan default hold is removed during spring term?
Any term during the current academic year, provided the student currently meets program eligibility requirements.
Federal student loan default affects which state financial aid programs?
State Grant, Postsecondary Child Care Grant, Indian Scholarship, SELF
Name 4 state financial aid programs not affected by SELF loan default
Achieve Scholarship, MN GI Bill, State Work Study, SOS Grant
What fraction of American Indian ancestry is required to receive a MN Indian Scholarship?
¼ or more
What gets subtracted from the COA when calculating a MN Indian Scholarship?
EFC Federal, state and institutional gift aid Other gift aid, such as tribal scholarships
What are the minimum undergraduate enrollment levels for MN GI Bill, Indian Scholarship and current Achieve Scholarship programs?
MN GI Bill: 1 credit Indian Scholarship: 9 credits Achieve Scholarship: 15 credits
What is the award calculation budget used in the MN GI Bill award calculation?
120% of the recognized State Grant award calculation budget for the students enrollment level
What are the high school GPA/grade requirements for the original and current Achieve Scholarship program?
Old: Grade of C or better in all courses in rigorous course of study Current: Overall unweighted high school GPA of at least 2.5
For which state financial aid program(s) MUST a student have a high school diploma or GED?
Achieve Scholarship (State Grant does not require a high school diploma or GED if the student is at least 17 years old.)
Which state financial aid program(s) are affected by a child support hold?
State Grant, MN GI Bill
Which state financial aid program is not available to students in sectarian programs?
Postsecondary Child Care Grant Nonsectarian program means a program of study that is not specifically designed to prepare students to become ministers of religion, to enter some other religious vocation, or to prepare them to teach theological subjects. A nonsectarian program may provide for the scholarly study of religion as a discipline of knowledge in a manner similar to that provided for any other field of study, but must not require its students to take courses that are based on a particular set of religious beliefs, to receive instruction intended to propagate or promote any religious beliefs, to participate in religious activities, to maintain affiliation with a particular church or religious organization, or to attest to any particular religious beliefs.
Which state financial aid program(s) do/es not have a satisfactory academic progress requirement?
Safety Officers Survivor Grant
Which state financial aid programs do not require a student to be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen?
SELF Loan* and Safety Officers Survivor Grant *SELF loan cosigner must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Make your wager
For which academic year(s) was the State Grant limit on PSE extended to 5 full- time academic years?