Department of Public Works Non-Exclusive Solid Waste Collection Franchise System – Review September 29, 2014
Department of Public Works Overview Continuation of review of City’s franchise system Seeks to answer 2 questions 1.What system is best for Pasadena today? 2.What steps Pasadena should take to meet anticipated future needs? City sustainability & conservation policies Zero Waste Strategic Plan Current & expected state legislation AB 1826 – commercial organics recycling 2
Department of Public Works Chronology April 8, 2014 – MSC recommended City Council retain closed system & place franchisees on 5-year notice of intent to consider modification to franchise system April 28, 2014 – City Council deferred action & directed staff to Update PMC to address composting haulers Provide information on C&D haulers & inert materials 3
Department of Public Works Chronology September 9, 2014 – MSC unanimously recommended City Council approve recommendations contained in report Requested staff review definition of organics in response to public comments 4
Department of Public Works Recommendations 1.Direct City Attorney to amend PMC Chapters 8.60 (Solid Waste) & 8.61 (Franchise System) & return to City Council in 90 days 2.Open non-exclusive franchise system to composting haulers for processing organic, yard waste & other compostable material from commercial & residential accounts to state approved/permitted composting facilities 5
Department of Public Works Recommendations 3.Retain closed franchise system for solid waste & construction & demolition (C&D) haulers 4.Direct City Manager to place solid waste & composting haulers on notice of City’s intent to consider modification of current non- exclusive system including possibility of moving to exclusive system in 5 years (excludes C&D-only haulers) 6
Department of Public Works PMC Amendments Proposed amendments to PMC Chapters 8.60 (Solid Waste) & 8.61 (Solid Waste Collection Franchise) Allow composting haulers to collect organic, yard waste & other compostable material from residential & commercial properties Organics – materials that are or were living (leaves, grass, crop residues & food scraps) Other compostable material – material confirmed in writing as compostable by certified processing facility 7
Department of Public Works Composting Open franchise system to composting haulers Processing organic, yard waste & other compostable material from commercial & residential accounts Diversion opportunity 42% of Pasadena materials disposed of in landfills are compostable (2008 Statewide Waste Characterization Study) Moves City toward Zero Waste Goal of 87% diversion by 2040 Provides additional options for AB 1826 compliance 8
Department of Public Works Composting New composting franchises Will be awarded to haulers meeting requirements Remain open & be evaluated in next franchise system review in 3 years What to expect Manageable number of new haulers to enter franchise system Limited number of processing facilities in region Cost of transporting & processing material 9
Department of Public Works C&D Debris Retain closed franchise system for C&D collection Processing of material generated from construction, renovation, demolition & paving projects C&D debris – gravel, plaster, wallboard, metals, glass, plastic pipe, roofing, carpeting & wood Inert material – rock, concrete, brick, sand, soil & asphalt 10
Department of Public Works C&D Debris Why keep C&D franchise closed Adequate number haulers (21 of 22) provide service Each hauler exceeds 75% diversion requirement 77% - 100% diversion in FY 2013 Additional franchises will not increase diversion since diversion primarily based on processing facilities’ “certified diversion percentage” 9 C&D processing facilities certified by City of LA have 75% or higher diversion rates 11
Department of Public Works 5-Year Exclusive Notification Place solid waste & composting haulers on notice of City’s intent to consider modification of current non-exclusive system including possibility of moving to exclusive system in 5 years (excludes C&D-only haulers) Enables City to be prepared if adjustments needed Supports City sustainability & conservation policy directions & anticipated state legislation Does not obligate City to pursue system modification 12
Department of Public Works 5-Year Exclusive Notification Why issue notice to new composting haulers Provides flexibility for City as industry matures Difficult & expensive to site, permit & operate organics processing facilities Exclusive organics franchise(s) may be most cost- effective service option Processors need consistent tonnages to develop & operate facilities 13
Department of Public Works 5-Year Exclusive Notification Why exempt C&D-only haulers from notice 6 of 22 haulers provide C&D services only All haulers exceed mandatory 75% diversion requirement If 5-year notice issued, haulers may stop investing in advanced technologies knowing they will not be able to compete to become exclusive provider if new service model implemented Municipal industry trend is toward exclusive systems where C&D service is exempted 14
Department of Public Works Proposal Summary 1.Amend PMC Chapters 8.60 (Solid Waste) & 8.61 (Franchise System) & return to Council in 90 days 2.Open non-exclusive franchise system to composting haulers for processing organic, yard waste & other compostable material from commercial & residential accounts to state approved/permitted composting facilities 3.Retain closed franchise system for solid waste & C&D haulers 4.Notify solid waste & composting haulers of intent to consider moving to exclusive system in 5 years (excludes C&D-only haulers) 15