Matt Waldersen TJ Strzelecki Rick Schuman Krishna Jhajaria (Presenting)
The proposed project is a mobile brain-computer interface. Tracks the eye movements and attention levels and uses it to interact with a head up display (HUD) Consists of various components – EOG circuit (non-commercial) Neurosky mindwave FPGA Module Beagle Board Microcontroller Video glasses Web camera Rechargeable Batteries
Manufacture natural resources Hazardous Chemicals Energy Normal Use expected product lifetime energy consumed when both “on” and “off Disposal/Recycling Proper disposal of various components
Inclusion of Hazardous chemicals in the manufacture of - Integrated circuits printed circuit boards rechargeable batteries (lead acid,NiCd) Solution Use a manufacturer that is RoHS compliant and RoHS compliant components. RoHS (Restrictions of Hazardous Substances) checks for the presence of Hazardous chemicals For Lead there must be no more than 0.1% of the material by weight. Must have 100 ppm or less of mercury
Expected product lifetime – The average life of a Li-Ion battery is 300 to 500 discharge-recharge cycles, or 2 to 3 years Other components – 5 to 8 years Can be increased by efficient use – instructions provided in the manual Provision for replacing batteries Parts sold separately/used separately Power consumption – beagle board ~1.5 watts Webcam ~ 2.5 – 3 Watts Video Glasses ~ 5 watts Support power saving mode – Turn off video glasses and webcam when idle
Vuzix Wrap 920 AR have two 640 x 480LCD screens If broken the backlight of the LCD can release mercury Provide warnings in the manual Battery hazards Possible leak or fire if exposed to extreme heat or abuse Make it clear to treat the battery intelligently in manual
Disposal of Battery Make the battery easily removable and give instructions in manual on how to find locations that recycle or properly dispose of them Remainder of Product Easy to disassemble parts Give instruction on how to find a location that recycles or disposes of electronics
Two aspects of operational safety safety under “normal” operating conditions safety in the event of malfunction Hardware failures Webcam Video Glasses Neurosky Mindwave Software failures Communication failure between devices ANN failure Display software failure
EOG circuit electrodes – Circuit had direct contact with skin through the electrodes the device needed to contain appropriate safeguards so that any potential shock to the user does not exceed a safe level The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health considers to be 1mA Using current limiting resistors to limit the current
Testing to safeguard potential shock performed – at various temperatures Different skin types/individuals In moisture (Sweat can cause moisture) For prolonged use
Head up displays (HUD)– Positive misaccommodation causes objects in the visual field to appear smaller and more distant than they actually are. This issue can be resolved by placing the glasses at the right focal point
Issues of cognitive capacity have a greater impact on safety in HUD May reduce detection of unexpected events Reduce clutter Keep display simple and intelligible
Webcam failure / video glasses failure Will cause blocking of view if unable to remove the device immediately May be dangerous if outside/mobile Could injure yourself/others
Webcam failure / video glasses failure solutions - Device should be easily removed when vision is blocked Efficient packaging and design is needed
Display software failure Display irrelevant/misguiding information Display images which are not live Worst case – Not realize the failure
Webcam failure / video glasses failure solutions - Using human factors criteria for display – “Present information in such a way that failure or malfunction of the display itself will be immediately obvious.”
Other software failures – Communication failure between devices ▪ Faulty behavior ANN failure ▪ Unable to make selection ▪ Make wrong selections Not dangerous yet unethical to sell buggy products Thoroughly testing the device for performance at all conditions and corner cases
Our team will be responsible for ensuring that a product has been “adequately” and/or “reasonably” designed and tested to ensure operator safety? Individual components will be tested separately first EOG circuit and the head up display have safety concerns hence will be tested thoroughly. Failure modes would be recognized and debugging instruction will be provided in the manual In case of major failures “graceful shutdown” of the system will be ensured Additional Measures - placement of warning labels providing cautions in user documentation