A journey in change of pedagogy for 21st century teachers Marilyn Roberts Otahuhu Intermediate School
What we knew in the beginning 2 21 st Century Education verses 20 th Century Education Did you know? Shift happens, 2008 Surprise Ending Shift Happens: Bringing Education into the 21 st Century Working in an integrated curriculum Integrating tools into learning Using HOTs to raise thinking levels Middle School theory and pedagogy
3 The importance of the vision and principles in the New Zealand Curriculum document Confident Connected Actively involved Lifelong learners Inclusion Community engagement Learning to learn Web2 environments are directly attached to the key competencies Thinking Using language symbols and texts Managing self Relating to others We would be basing learning outcomes on curriculum rather than computer skills
4 Knowledge reproduced on computers was not going to develop the competencies 21 st century learners need. For these skills to occur we had to let our learners create new knowledge from old “Catching the Knowledge Wave : The knowledge society and the future of education” Jane Gilbert NZCER Press
Tracking movements in pedagogy 5 ACOT model of teacher development Entry Level: Learn the basics of using the new Technology Adoption: Use new technology to support traditional instruction Adaptation: Integration of new technology into existing classroom activities. Here teachers often focus on increased student productivity and engagement by using word processors. Appropriation Develop new approaches to teaching & learning that take advantage of technology. Focus is on cooperative, integrated (interdisciplinary) projects, incorporating the technology as needed and as one of many tools Innovation/Creativity Level: Discover entirely new uses for technology tools, combining multiple technologies.
Transformational learning ? NEW 6
During the journey we found that 7 There were higher rates of student engagement There were higher rates of emotional engagement as well as cognitive. Students were more quickly involved in the metacognitive steps of learning as they moved into evaluating and analysing events and processes, especially in the areas of social inquiry and literacy. (comparing, discovering similarities and differences, identifying commonalities between systems and cultures, past-recent past- recent future- future etc) Connections to authentic worlds through accessing a variety of resources which were current.
There was less waste time between activities as students just transferred from one to another online. The teacher took up the role of facilitator of learning rather than the sole importer of knowledge and skills. Peers continually looked over each others shoulders. They were taking on new roles of sharing their learning and skills while continually improving their own. They learned new skills and ways of doing things that the teacher had not expected.. “I was often amazed at how far my students took their learning. Their skills and how they used them went beyond my expectations...” Lorraine 8
9 Teacher voice and student voice was evident in their work. Students were beginning to use vocabulary to describe what they were doing, and what they had learnt. However, more significantly, could explain to their families the process of their learning and their pathways for “where to from here”. As students became more confident they moved towards creating new knowledge out of the old knowledge. The special needs students identified as conceptually delayed still preferred to work in power point and attach images and single sentences to their downloads, but the others were mixing different applications to one activity. New knowledge through individualised formats, and through a variety of media (text, sound, images, movies, photography)
10 There was a better quality of discussion as all were expected to contribute through blogging. Every opinion was expressed and the teachers were able to raise levels by asking syncretic questions. There were 100% responses, which was shared online and on the mat. The higher order thinking skills were visibly evident in student reflections and rubrics that they used. The Habits of the Mind was used heavily by students to support them in their work habits at the computers, referred in conversation.
And what we know now about literacy levels about social inquiry about the rate and pace of learning about what we are assessing (NETS) recognising facilitation learning links with teachers instructional methods and differentiated strategies to move them along the continuum of growth We have clarity 11
Where to from here? ?Do you want a default or preferred future ?Where is your on school this continuum Technology literacy- deep knowledge-creating new knowledge digital pedagogy digital content digital space 12