Analogue BPM data analysis Calibration & resolution results
2 ATF day shift 13/05/08 (calibration) Setup - 3 analogue processors on BPM 11 with output from processor #1 split and fed into digital board. Data taken with single bunch beam.
3 ATF day shift 13/05/08 (resolution) P1 res is 2x p2&p3. P1 signal was split (1/2 in digital board) χ 2 /ndf = χ 2 /ndf = χ 2 /ndf =
4 Resolution Vs position ZV8X magnet current (A) Resolution (um)
5 ATF owl shift 13/03/08 BPM calibration and resolution results All four processors connected to BPM 10 pickup (therefore stripline signal split 4 ways). Corrector magnet ZV8X was used for calibration purposes and all relevant quads switched off.
6 ATF owl shift 13/03/08 (calibration) Processor 1Processor 3 Processor 2Processor 4 Position (m) x10 -4 Calibration constant = -2.70x10 3 Resolution = 12.45um Calibration constant = -2.67x10 3 Resolution = 9.37um Calibration constant = -2.72x10 3 Resolution = 11.26um Calibration constant = 1.68x10 3 Resolution = 20.45um Normalized difference signal
7 ATF owl shift 13/03/08 (resolution) x10 -4 Position (m) Normalized difference signal Resolution =12.45um Processor 4 Processor 3 Processor 2 Processor 1
8 Resolution Vs position
9 ATF December ‘07 BPM calibration and resolution results All four processors connected to BPM 12 pickup (therefore stripline signal split 4 ways). Corrector magnet ZV7X was used for calibration purposes and all relevant quads switched off.
10 ATF December ‘07 (calibration) Processor 1 Processor 2 Processor 3 Processor 4 Calibration constant = -2.74x10 3 Resolution = 13.1um Calibration constant = -2.63x10 3 Resolution = 14.1um Calibration constant = -2.68x10 3 Resolution = 12.41um Calibration constant = -2.70x10 3 Resolution = 10.49um Position (um)
11 ATF Dec ’07 (resolution) Processor 1 Processor 2 Processor 3 Processor 4 Resolution = 13.1 um Resolution = um Resolution = 14.1 um Resolution = um Position (um) Normalized difference signal
12 Run Processor # BPM # Charge (10 10 ) Split Scope # Signal levels Offset (mV) Calibration constant (m -1 ) Resolution (um) Max (mV) Min (mV) Sum (mV) Diff (mV) Sum (mV) Oct ‘07 P110--no x P311--no x P412--no x Dec ‘07 P ways x P ways x P ways x P ways x March ’08 P ways x P ways dif=1 sum= x P ways dif=1 sum= x P ways x May ‘08 P ways +output 2 ways x P ways x P ways x