Appendix C-6 Partnership for Community Integration Iowas Money Follows the Person Grant
Appendix C-6 What is Money Follows the Person? A $51 million, five year grant from CMS To provide opportunities for 528 people to move out of Iowas ICF/MR facilities to independent settings of their choice. Grant funds the transition services and extra supports needed for the first year after they transition into the community.
Appendix C-6 Individuals Eligible for Assistance Must be living in an ICF/MR for at least six months Primary age targeted will be 16 to 45 years old, but all age groups are eligible. Must express an interest in moving out of the ICF/MR.
Appendix C-6 Project Administration Iowa Department of Human Services Iowa Medicaid Enterprise manages the project (as required by CMS Consultation with the Division of Mental Health and Disability Services of DHS
Appendix C-6 Five Year Project 2007: Pre-implementation phase - policy development with stakeholder participation 2008:75 people transitioned 2009: 113 people transitioned 2010: 151 people transitioned 2011: 189 people transitioned
Appendix C-6 First Year Activities Planning activities have included: Monthly planning sessions with stakeholders Drafting of a proposed transition process, informational materials, staff position descriptions and training curriculum, etc. Identification of new services needed to sustain individuals once they have transitioned, including crisis intervention and behavioral programming
Appendix C-6 Consultation with a broad stakeholder base during planning : Consumers and family members County CPCs and Case Managers ICF/MR owners and operators Community providers Disability advocates State staff
Appendix C-6 Important stakeholder recommendations Transition specialists to work with consumers, families and the transition planning team A consumer-centered planning process Thorough assessment of need Access to the Consumer Choices Option Safeguards for informed consent Partnership with Iowa Finance Authority to ensure a choice of qualified housing
Appendix C-6 Why is project outreach important? To make sure people know their options To understand the barriers and how MFP can help address them To address fears that consumers would lack sufficient supports outside the ICF/MR To provide an opportunity for people to share their successful transition stories.
Appendix C-6 What MFP offers individuals who decide to transition: First year traditional and enhanced services in the community setting After the first year, the individual has access to an HCBS Waiver.
Appendix C-6 Traditional and enhanced services Include: Supports equivalent to services offered in HCBS MR waiver With legislative approval, increased access to mental health and crisis intervention services Cost of setting up the new living arrangements
Appendix C-6 Other benefits under MFP: The project covers the cost of training community provider staff to respond to the needs of individuals transitioning Transition planning teams will look at ways to promote community participation and reduce social isolation
Appendix C-6 Individuals may access their services through: Traditional Medicaid service providers HCBS service providers Consumer Choices Option with an individualized budget.
Appendix C-6 Iowa Medicaid Enterprise looks forward to this exciting opportunity for individuals to actively choose where they want to live and the type of supports they will need. Questions?
Appendix C-6 For More Information Link To IMEs Web Page For: The Money Follows The Person Grant and Updates at Actions/index.htmlhttp://