Slide / Presentation Guidelines Arial is the approved font to be used for every presentation This template includes two approved slide layout themes and 3 title slide options. The content of each slide determines which background theme should be used. To view and insert slides directly from either theme, click on the “Insert” menu then “Slides From” –The BLUE background theme This theme should be used for for slides containing standard text only –The WHITE background theme This theme should only be used for for slides containing images, charts or graphics –The TITLE SLIDE options Use title slides to separate sections of the presentation or to create a pause Each slide (except for the cover and closing slides) contain the Virginia Quality logo in the lower right corner. It is important that each slide of a presentation be identified as Virginia Quality. The logo should never be deleted or covered by text or graphics. (Delete this slide for presentation)
Title Slide Option 1: Click to add a heading here Click to add a subheading here (Use title slides to separate sections of a presentation or to create a pause. If not applicable, delete this slide.)
Title Slide Option 2: Click to add a heading here Click to add a subheading here (Use title slides to separate sections of a presentation or to create a pause. If not applicable, delete this slide.)
Title Slide Option 3: Click to add a heading here Click to add a subheading here (Use title slides to separate sections of a presentation or to create a pause. If not applicable, delete this slide.)
Title Slide Option 4: Click to add a heading here Click to add a subheading here (Use title slides to separate sections of a presentation or to create a pause. If not applicable, delete this slide.)
Title Slide Option 5: Click to add a heading here Click to add a subheading here (Use title slides to separate sections of a presentation or to create a pause. If not applicable, delete this slide.)
Title Slide Option 6: Click to add a heading here Click to add a subheading here (Use title slides to separate sections of a presentation or to create a pause. If not applicable, delete this slide.)
Title and Content Slide Example 1 Example of a single line bulleted list 2 nd bullet point 3 rd bullet point 4 th bullet point 5 th bullet point Etc. (Do separate lengthy bulleted lists into multiple slides. Do not adjust the size of the type or the line spacing in order to fit a long list.)
Title and Content Slide Example 2 Example of multi-line bulleted list with secondary bullet points ( Lengthy text will automatically wrap to the next line.) –Secondary bullet point 1 –Secondary bullet point 2 2nd bullet point 3rd bullet point – Secondary bullet point 1 Etc. (DO separate lengthy bulleted lists into multiple slides. DO NOT adjust the size of the type or the line spacing in order to fit a long list.)
Title and Content Slide Example 3 Example of bulleted list with secondary and tertiary bullet points (Use underline to emphasize a word or words.) –Secondary bullet point 1 Tertiary bullet point 1 Tertiary bullet point 2 Tertiary bullet point 3 –Secondary bullet point 2 Tertiary bullet point 1 Etc. (DO separate lengthy bulleted lists into multiple slides. DO NOT adjust the size of the type or the line spacing in order to fit a long list.)
Title and Content Slide Example 4 SUBTITLE 1: Example of bulleted slide with subtitles (Use ALL CAPS to distinguish subtitles from corresponding text.) SUBTITLE 2: Corresponding text here SUBTITLE 3: Corresponding text here –Secondary bullet point 1 –Secondary bullet point 2
Guidelines for Slides with Images/Graphics: The white background theme should be used whenever you want to display tables, charts, diagrams, or images. –Tables, charts and graphic elements should not interfere with/overlap the Virginia Quality logo and the clearspace around it (indicated by the pink box below) (Delete this slide for presentation)
Graphic Use Slide Example
Graphic Use Slide Example 2
Chart Use Slide Example Level 1 Participants 219 Level 2 Participants 99 Level 3 Participants 138 Level 4 Participants 108 Level 5 Participants
Chart Use Slide Example 2