Miss Smith Room
Parent Breakfast Welcome back to SWE parent breakfast (for ALL parents not just new to SWE) Monday, Aug. 25 from 8:00-9:00 in the cafeteria Visit with other parents, PTO members and the principals Parents will be able to write their child a letter that will be delivered during the school day. Breakfast sponsored by our Summerwood HEB
Second Grade Team: Ria Nicholas Sarah DiGregorio Holly Smith LaKesha Holloway Melanie Risko Jessica Valenta
School Day Supervision begins: 7:30 a.m Tardy Bell: 8:05 a.m. Attendance: 9:10 a.m. Lunch: 11:25 a.m. – 11:55 a.m. Specials/Conference: 2:05 – 3:00 p.m. Dismissal: 3:15 p.m. Supervision begins: 7:30 a.m Tardy Bell: 8:05 a.m. Attendance: 9:10 a.m. Lunch: 11:25 a.m. – 11:55 a.m. Specials/Conference: 2:05 – 3:00 p.m. Dismissal: 3:15 p.m.
Attendance If your child will be absent, call absent line with symptoms. Parent Note: Unless you send a note, the absence will be unexcused after 2 days. Humble I.S.D. sends letters to parents if there are –3 or more unexcused absences in 4 weeks –10 or more unexcused absences in 6 months
Car Riders If you child is a car rider, please pick up one car rider sign accordingly: FRONT SIDE If you live on the same side of W. Lake Houston as the school, pick up your children in front of the school in the circle drive. CAFETERIA SIDE If you live across W. Lake Houston from the school, pick up your children by the cafeteria.
TRANSPORTATIONTRANSPORTATION For your child’s safety, car riders must be picked up in the car rider line. (No walk-ups!) Walkers may not be picked up by car at the school (except during rainy day dismissal). Send a note with your child if there is any change in how they are going home. If there is a change after 1 pm please call the office ( ) and have them get us a message. Carefully fill out the transportation checklists provided by your teacher.
(469) Remind 101 To receive important information texts from the school for the school year, subscribe to the free Remind 101 text service – and keep your phone number secret – by to (469) Also, please let the front desk know if you don’t receive the school’s weekly newsletter via .
Phone Numbers Please keep us updated on all phone numbers. We need them in case of emergency!!!!
Breakfast/Lunch Breakfast: $1.40 Lunch: $2.10 Lunch Hotline: We will be eating lunch on early release days!
SNACKSNACK Please send a daily snack! Healthy – not sugary –No candy or sweets –No hot chips or Cheetos Easy to open Not sticky, messy, or spill-prone Please label with your name
WATER Children SHOULD bring a water bottle for recess and/or P.E. The bottle MUST have a sports top to prevent spills The bottle MUST have your child’s name on it in permanent marker. No other drinks are allowed on the carpet.
Physical Education News We are looking forward to working with your child in physical education. Our goal is to provide a positive learning experience while developing the mind and body through physical activity. Safety is a primary concern, so we ask that your child wear or bring tennis shoes or wear enclosed flat rubber soled shoes on physical education days. No Crocs, sandals, wheelies, or flip flops are allowed. Our classes are outside (weather permitting), so children should be dressed appropriate for the weather. Please be sure your child wears shorts under a dress/skirt. Children are also encouraged and permitted to bring water bottles (with names on them). Our class splits among the other second grade classes for specials, due to the fact that we have six classes and there are only five weekly special rotations. I will let you know what specials are on which days, once your child has been assigned to a group within our class and knows which classroom they will go to specials with. I recommend tennis shoes for everyday, at least until the schedule is set.
Physical Education News If your child is to be excused from participation due to illness or injury, they will need a parent note. If they are to be excused for more than three days, a doctor’s note is required according to district policy. Please advise your child to give all notes to their homeroom teacher or the school nurse. Also, if a child has a note and is excused from PE they are not allowed to participate in recess. Physical Education Expectations:Physical Education Expectations: Participate- Give 100% Support Others & Be A Good Sport Remember To Listen & Follow Directions Respect Others & Equipment AlwaysThink Safety! Always Think Safety!
Physical Education News Students that choose not to follow expectations will have consequences ranging from being pulled from the activity for a period of time, signing the penalty book, a note home, a phone call or to parents, or a visit to the AP/Principal’s office.Students that choose not to follow expectations will have consequences ranging from being pulled from the activity for a period of time, signing the penalty book, a note home, a phone call or to parents, or a visit to the AP/Principal’s office. Our grading procedures will be run by a point system. A student receives a point when they sign the penalty book. P.E. Grade 0-3 = E, 4-6 = S, 7-10= N, 11+= UOur grading procedures will be run by a point system. A student receives a point when they sign the penalty book. P.E. Grade 0-3 = E, 4-6 = S, 7-10= N, 11+= U We feel that all of our students will do wonderfully! Please feel free to contact us anytime you have a special need or concern. (281) We feel that all of our students will do wonderfully! Please feel free to contact us anytime you have a special need or concern. (281) P.E. Teacher-Ms. Burgess Paraprofessional- Ms. Moore
For safety reasons, ALL visitors MUST sign in at the office and wear the badge that is provided!
Birthdays No food items. Pencils, stickers, erasers... for all students in class. No distribution of invitations.
Birthdays: Cafeteria Treats If you plan to get ice cream treats for the class from the cafeteria, you MUST pick up an order form from the cafeteria to place your order TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE.
Homework Homework will be given on Mondays, to be completed at your child's own pace. Please and have your child turn in completed activities on Friday. There will be no Homework the last week of school or the week before a vacation.
Campus PBIS Expectations The Three Bs of Summerwood Elementary Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Whole school will use this language to reinforce a positive school culture. “Star Bucks” will be given for students who exemplify these expectations. A “Shining Star Student” from each class will be recognized each week and given special privileges. Please see the information sheet in your packet to familiarize yourself and your student with the campus expectations.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Activity Fee: $25 to school for purchase of classroom consumables Field trip money will be charged separately. Be sure to head to cafeteria for important PTO information!
Note: Friday August 29 th will be an early release day. Dismissal will start at 11:50 p.m.
Students Academic success is like a three-legged stool. It requires support from all three participants.
- Homework: Support your child as needed, but don’t do it for them. - Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep. (Brain science tells us that brains “reboot” during sleep, and children’s brains need more than 8 hours to achieve maximum learning.) - Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast, snack, and lunch. - Dress your child in comfortable, school-proof, weather appropriate clothing. - Send your child to school with a hug and words of encouragement. - Model that reading and learning are important.
Box Tops Thank you for remembering to clip Box Tops and send in with your child!
Thank you! We are looking forward to a great year. Questions? See you Monday!