St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Applying to University Abroad Europe and USA
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Why study in Europe? Over 1000 degree courses taught in English across a full complement of subjects. Universities are actively seeking UK and Irish students in a wide range of disciplines. Grade entry requirements are invariably lower but are not a reflection of the quality but the fact that there is a bigger demand to get into the local UK and Irish universities.
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Fees are free or lower than an equivalent programme in ROI or UK. There are no fees for EU students in the four Scandinavian countries. In the state sector universities in Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, fees are very low and in the Netherlands, the fees are just above €1700.
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect The quality of education and research programmes provided in some of the universities are rated among the top 50 in the world. The experience of living in another country will allow the opportunity to appreciate a different culture and lifestyle. It will develop independency and demonstrate initiative and a sense of adventure.
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Studying for an undergraduate programme abroad will ensure uniqueness in a CV. In a global employment market, employers are increasingly looking for key personnel with international perspectives, experience and networks.
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Why study in US Quality and reputation of US Universities Opportunity to experience campus life and activities Funding opportunities Internationalised CV Learn about a new culture and expand horizons
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Application Components: Application form Admissions exam scores Transcript and/or school report 2-3 essays 2-3 recommendation letters Application fee
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Overview and Key Differences Degrees on offer: Two-year/community colleges (Associate’s degrees) Four-year (Bachelor’s degrees) Law and Medicine studied at postgraduate level Less government control: More institutional diversity and freedom but no set fees or centralised admissions process Application process: Slightly longer application form Apply to the university, not a course or department Holistic review of your application
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Sources of Funding Personal/family funds Loans Scholarships and need-based aid from US universities Scholarships from external organisations
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Sports and academic scholarships are available. Application for SATS via College Board The SAT doesn’t test logic or abstract reasoning. It tests the skills learnt in school: reading, writing and maths. The critical reading section includes reading passages and sentence completions. The writing section includes a short essay and multiple- choice questions on identifying errors and improving grammar and usage. The mathematics section includes questions on arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability.
St Killian’s College Challenge Nurture and Respect Useful s