The ILC and DESY 5th Workshop on Scientific Cooperation JINR, Dubna January 2005 R.-D. Heuer, DESY and Hamburg Univ.


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Presentation transcript:

The ILC and DESY 5th Workshop on Scientific Cooperation JINR, Dubna January 2005 R.-D. Heuer, DESY and Hamburg Univ.

Standard Model today enormously successful: ● tested at quantum level ● (sub)permille accuracy But: many key questions open ● origin of electroweak symmetry breaking ● unification of forces ● extra space dimensions ● origin of dark matter/energy ● …. (LEP/SLC/Tevatron…)

There are two distinct and complementary strategies for gaining new understanding of matter, space and time at future particle accelerators HIGH ENERGY direct discovery of new phenomena i.e. accelerators operating at the energy scale of the new particle HIGH PRECISION Access to new physics at high energies through the precision measurement of phenomena at lower scales Next steps at the energy frontier © Physics Today Prime example for this synergy: LEP / Tevatron

Electron-Positron Linear Collider offers ● well defined initial state collision energy √s well defined collision energy √s tuneable precise knowledge of quantum numbers polarisation of e - and e + possible ● Clean environment collision of point-like particles → low backgrounds ● precise knowledge of cross sections ● Additional options: e - e -, eγ, γγ collisions Machine for Discoveries and Precision Measurements The power of e + e - Colliders

 Accelerator with high luminosity  Detector for precision measurements ZHH Requirements from Physics ● Selection of rare processes (e.g. σ = 0.3 fb for ZHH) ● Precise reconstruction of momenta of leptons, photons, jets, missing energy

Ex.: Higgs physics Recoil mass spectrum ee -> HZ with Z -> l + l - model independent measurement Precision measurements of Higgs couplings Precise enough to distinguish SM Higgs from e.g. MSSM Higgs

A world-wide consensus has formed for a baseline LC project in which positrons collide with electrons at energies up to 500 GeV, with luminosity above cm -2 s -1. The energy should be upgradable to about 1 TeV. Above this firm baseline, several options are envisioned whose priority will depend upon the nature of the discoveries made at the LHC and in the initial LC operation. Substantial overlap in running with LHC recommended International Consensus

International Consensus cont‘d Study groups of ACFA, ECFA, HEPAP The next large accelerator-based project of particle physics should be a linear collider US DOE Office of Science Future Facilities Plan: LC is first priority mid-term new facility for all US Office of Science ACFA, ECFA, HEPAP (January 2004) The chairs reaffirmed their community’s priorities for a 500 GeV linear collider operated in parallel with the LHC Major Funding Agencies Regular meetings concerning LC

International Consensus cont‘d OECD Ministerial Statement (January 2004) “…noted the world wide consensus of the scientific community, which has chosen an electron-positron linear collider as the next accelerator-based facility to complement and expand on the…LHC…” ICFA (i.e. CERN,DESY,FNAL,KEK,SLAC etc) ( February 2004) reaffirms its conviction that the highest priority for a new machine for particle physics is a linear electron-positron collider with an initial energy of 500 GeV, extendible up to about 1 TeV, with a significant period of concurrent running with the LHC

ILC: Machine

Next Milestones towards an International Linear Collider 2004 Selection of Collider Technology (warm or cold) and setting up of an international project team with branches in America, Asia and Europe Continuation of discussion between funding agencies Further studies of organisational structures 2005 Start of work of project teams (‚Global Design Initiative‘) 2006 Completion of the project layout (CDR) including costing 2007/8 Submission of TDR to governments to go ahead with LC 2009 Start major spending 2015 Start of commissioning planning early 2004

The large cavity aperture and long bunch interval simplify operations, reduce the sensitivity to ground motion, permit inter- bunch feedback, and may enable increased beam current. The main linac and rf systems, the single largest technical cost elements, are of comparatively lower risk. The construction of the superconducting XFEL free electron laser will provide prototypes and test many aspects of the linac. The industrialization of most major components of the linac is underway. The use of superconducting cavities significantly reduces power consumption. Technology decision ITRP recommended that the ILC be based on superconducting RF technology developed by the TESLA collaboration Rationale: ICFA unanimously accepted this recommendation August 2004

Next Milestones towards an International Linear Collider First ILC Workshop November 2004 at KEK - first meeting after the technology decision - attended by > 220 accelerator experts from Asia, America, Europe - very constructive and stimulating atmosphere - working groups established to prepare for the ILC design parameters and to address the most urgent R&D issues

Next Milestones towards an International Linear Collider 2004 Selection of Collider Technology: done Continuation of discussion between funding agencies: FALC 2005 Start of work of project teams (‚Global Design Initiative‘) Project leader to be appointed February 2005 Next ILC Workshop: August 2005 (Snowmass) 2006 Completion of the project layout (CDR) including costing 2007/8 Submission of TDR to governments to go ahead with LC 2009 Start major spending 2015 Start of commissioning Status today ….on track…

ILC: Detector

High precision measurements demand fundamentally new approach to the reconstruction: particle flow (i.e. reconstruction of ALL individual particles) requires unprecedented granularity in three dimensions R&D needed NOW for key detector components vertex tracking calorimeter ILC Detector R&D high statistical power of LC has to be met by high detector resolution (limit systematics)  Presentation by W. Lohmann, A. Olchevski

Detector R&D: R&D for detector components Detector Concept Studies: optimisation of the full detector design Detector Concept Studies needed for cost estimates and TDRs in the context and timeline of the GDI activities at present three detector concept studies ongoing: - one based on SI tracking - two based on gaseous tracking These detector studies should preserve the already existing detector technology collaborations which address R&D on detector technologies to first order detector concept independent  Detector R&D collaborations can/should contribute to multiple detector concept studies ILC Detector Concept Studies

ILC at DESY Machine Detector + Physics

ILC is highest priority after HERAII for HEP at DESY  Leading role of DESY in accelerator, physics and detector in this global effort  Plan to set up a European ILC centre at DESY DESY‘s strategic role - Scientific contributions (accelerator, physics, detector) - Coordination and steering - Infrastructure for accelerator and detector design and construction, computing, analysis centre - Connection with Research and University Institutes Central role from the very beginning and in future throughout all phases of the ILC project ILC at DESY

DESY ILC Project Group Accelerator - Experimentation - Physics High Gradient Cavities Cryo Modules Operability, Reliability, Controls Stabilisation, Vibration LLRF Diagnostics GAN Accelerator Physics and Design Computing Detector Scientific Program Connection to XFEL

Detector R&D and Concept Studies at DESY Detector R&D in international collaborations: TPC Hadronic Calorimeter (scintillator based) Forward Calorimetry Vertex Detector Detector Concept: emphasis on gaseous tracking Infrastructure for detector studies: Electron testbeam Teststand with 5T magnet

ILC machine activities at DESY - Technology related high quality, high gradient cavities and modules module test stand … - Technology independent (polarised) positron source reliability issues luminosity performance Global Accelerator Network … - Exploitation of Synergy XFEL ILC - Backbone: TESLA Test Facility

European Design Study Towards a Global TeV Linear Collider - Focus on technology independent R&D items - Scientific coordination jointly by CERN and DESY Within the framework of the European Union: ILC machine activities at DESY

Duration: 3 years Start foreseen: 01 Jan 2005 Total Budget: M€ EU requested: M€ (approved: 9 M€) 23 Participating Laboratories and Institutes (France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, plus CERN) 8 Workpackages : Management Beam Delivery System Damping Rings Polarised Positron Source Diagnostics Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies Metrology & Stabilisation Global Accelerator Network Multipurpose Virtual Laboratory EUROTeV more details:

accelerator modules module test / magnets / cryogenics linac components (injector, bunch compressors, diagnostics, dumps) Photons FEL concepts Controls / Operability Infrastructure (site, civil construction, survey, tunnel layout, utilities) Safety Organisation Synergy ILC and XFEL Note synergy!

250 m RF gun FEL experimental area bypass 4 MeV150 MeV450 MeV 1000 MeV undulator s collimator bunch compressor Laser M1 M2 M3 M4M5M6M7 bunch compressor The TESLA Test Facility Beam time: ~30% ILC related R&D, ~70% XFEL (experience also for ILC)

DESY will continue its strong role within the global ILC project as a European ILC centre within a network of accelerator laboratories in all areas: - accelerator - detector - physics studies wherever the ILC will be located i.e. Asia, America, or Europe (DESY) Looking forward to a strong collaboration with JINR and Russian Institutes Summary