Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Scientific Investigation Ch. 2
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley What is scientific investigation ? Focuses on solving problems and pursues a step-by-step logical, organized and rigorous ( tepat/teliti ) method in research process Tend to more objective than subjective Helps managers to highlight the most critical factors Applies to basic and applied research
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Purposiveness Has purposive focus Rigor Involves good theoritical base and carefully thought-out methodology Testability Develops hypotheses Those can be tested when data are collected
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Replicability Similar findings emerge on the basis of data collected by other organizations employing the same methods Our hypotheses have not been supported merely by chance, but are reflective of the trus state of affairs in the population
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Precision and confidence Because unable to study the universe populations, we seldom have being able to draw “definite” conclusion Sampling and measurement errors Precision The closeness of findings to “reality” based on sample The degree of accuracy of the results In statistic term : confidence interval Confidence The probability that our estimation are correct In statistic term : confidence level The narrower limits and the greater conf
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Precision and confidence The narrower limits and the greater confidence, the more useful and scientific In social research : 95% confidence level (implies there is only a 5% probability that the findings may not be correct) is accepted as conventional, usually referred as significance level of 0.05 (p = 0.05)
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Objectivity Conclusions should be based on the facts of the findings derived from actual data, not on subjective or emotional value Generalizability The scope of applicability of the research finding in one organizational setting to other settings The wider range of applicability of research findings, the more useful
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Hallmarks ( ciri-ciri ) of scientific research Parsimony Lesser number of variables that explain the variance far more efficiently than a complex set of variables that only marginally add to the variance explained Good understanding the problem and important factors that influence it
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Obstacles Measurement and collection data in subjective areas quantify human behavior Comparability, consistency and wide generalizability are often to obtain
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley The hypothetico-deductive method Popularized by Karl Popper Seven steps : Identify a broad problem area Define the problem statement Develop hyphotheses Determine measures Data collection Data analysis Interpretation data
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Deductive vs inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning General theory and apply to a specific case Key element in the hypothetico-deductive method Hypothesis testing Theory testing Inductive reasoning Works in opposite direction A process where we observe spesific phenomena and on this basis arrive at general conclusion Theory generation Not supported by Karl Popper
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Other types of research Case Study Involve in-depth, contextual analyses of similar situations in other organizations, where the nature and definition of the problem happen to be the same as experienced in the current situation Usually provide qualitative than quantitative
Sekaran and Bougie; Research Methods for Business : A Skill Building Approach, 5th Ed; Wiley Other types of research Action Research Researcher begins with a problem that is already identified Gathers relevant data to tentative problem solution Implements solution (may be there are unintended consequences) Evaluates, defines and diagnoses the effect Continues on an ongoing basis until the problem is fully resolved