CHEMISTRY Thursday, August 14, 2014 Sig Figs, Accuracy and Precision
Bell Work 8/14 Convert the Following Units using dimensional analysis 15Km = _____ cm 20lbs = _____ g 48°F = ______K
Agenda Discuss Significant Figures Accuracy vs Precision Multiplying and Dividing Scientific Notation Complete Measurement Activity Packet
Objectives Students will be able to: Determine the correct number of significant figures for a number Distinguish between accuracy and precision Multiply and Divide using scientific notation
Significant Figures When we write numbers in science it turns out that some numbers are more important than others. Numbers that are important are called significant, numbers that aren’t are insignificant. Especially in Chemistry, significance is important, because we need to keep measurements and calculations on the same track.
What makes a number significant? It all comes down to zeroes. 1. All non-zeroes digits are significant—455 (3 significant) 2. Trapped zeroes are significant—5005 (4 significant) 3. Preceding Zeroes are insignificant—00045 or.0045 (2) 4. Trailing zeroes are insignificant---5,000,000 (1) unless there is a decimal point included in the number— 5,000,000. (7) or.4000 (4) 5. If a number is written in scientific notation, only the numbers before the x 10 x are considered significant following the rules above—7.04 x 10 5 (3)
How many sig figs? Answer in notebook 4,675, 3, 075, 3,075, x 10 17
Using Sig Figs in Chemistry When taking measurements, you should always go one number beyond what the increments are on the measuring device. When multiplying/dividing your answer should have the same number of sig figs as the least amount in the problem. Adding/Subtracting answer should have the same number of decimal places as least in problem 584 x = Using sig figs = x 324 = 162,000 Using Sig figs = 200, = Sig figs = 22.04
Accuracy vs Precision What does it mean to be accurate? Accuracy means that your measured values are as close to the true value as possible. Precise? Your measured values for each trial are as close together as possible
Finish Measurement Activity Packet Tasks 1-4 should be completed by end of period. I will collect!