Webbanalys KTH EES
Overview pages
Who visits? Engaged – many pages, long time on site Default – website as start page Departmentalist – works for and visits dept site Student – needs to visit for specific tasks Applicant – potential students Jobseeker – looking to work at KTH Skydiver – stumbles on a specific page
What do they visit? 55% departments (15% people pages) 10% people search 20% Education (10% course pages) 2% Research 1% Calendar 1% News 85 pages = 40% of pageviews
Traffic sources
Department pageviews
Visitor behavior - departments DepartmentPageviews% Pageviews People info Visitors via Google CT %20% FPP478018%25% AC %25% E2C %20% SP %30%
Education Template for thesis popular EL2520 kurshemsida popular Long tail about 1000 pages (Spring 2013) had 1 pageview 1400 had 1 or 2 About 400 pages had more than 1 pageview a week Old course websites still live
Calendar Master thesis presentations most viewed KERS seminar from 2010 receives traffic due to Wikipedia entry.
Contact “Labs within EES” page most viewed “Contact with management and key functions” next most viewed Nothing else gets 1 pageview a day
Research Publications are the main visited content (45% of pageviews) Strategic research areas page account for 20% of pageviews
About EE The “nätbaserad utbildning” content caused a spike About 25% of pageviews during period analysed
Recommendations Reduce number of pages Research visitor types & create personas Fix analytics implementation! Improve findability