Continuous quality improvements within Hungarian PES Borbély-P., Tibor Bors, Ph.D. Senior Adviser, National Labour Office, Hungary Amsterdam P2P Dialog.


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Presentation transcript:

Continuous quality improvements within Hungarian PES Borbély-P., Tibor Bors, Ph.D. Senior Adviser, National Labour Office, Hungary Amsterdam P2P Dialog Forum, 5-6 June 2014

Hungarian Government Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Ministry for National Economy Ministry of Human Resources Ministry of Interior Minister of State for Employment Policy Social and youth policies, rehabilitation Public work County (Metropolitan) Goverment Offices (19+1) Labour Centres of Government Offices (total: 19+1) Deputy county director for public work Local LabourOffices of the district offices (total: ~173) National Labour Office (NLO) National Employment Service (NES) - National Employment Office - National Institute for Vocational Education and Adult Learning - National Labour Market Inspectorate Structure of the National Employment Service (2014) National level Counties’ level LAU1 / NUTS4 level District offices of the Central Government ( in Budapest)

CAF and ISO developments within the Hungarian PES Key massages with QA and CAF;  The CAF aims to be a catalyst for a full improvement process within the organisations and has five main purposes:  To introduce public administrations into the culture of excellence and the principles of TQM  To guide them progressively to a full fledged “Plan-Do-Check-Act (PCDA)” cycle;  To facilitate the self-assessment of a public organisation in order to arrive at a diagnosis and improvement actions;  To act as a bridge across the various models used in quality management;  To facilitate bench learning between public-sector organisations.

CAF at the county and local levels 6 County Offices have ISO 9001;  Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala  Baranya Megyei Kormányhivatal  Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal  Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Kormányhivatal  Fejér Megyei Kormányhivatal  Vas Megyei Kormányhivatal

QA within the PES QA developments started in 2002 (as part of PHARE pre-accession fund). It works in a deeply segmented national employment services system since then. The current version of the customers’ satisfactory survey contains a question on the users’ preferences concerning the requested channels (F2F or on-line incl. correspondences, no Call Centre) – 18% of job-seekers would seek for more on-line service (32,1% are at ISCED 5-6 levels, 2013) (n= national sample) – 2,2% of employers look for F2F contact (n= 8360 national sample) 38,8% look for on-line services. 35,2% newsletters, 29% local forums PES survey at the county and local offices levels is planned to be modified to get data on both F2F and on-line users' feedbacks in 2014/15, and to get data for MCM approach.

New channels are open up new issues… Google Analytics visitors per county (VMP, 2013) Launched in 2011 Received unique visitor in 2013 Interactive questioners and more options Launched in jobseekers vacancies on-line

Issues Success factors – semi-independent and multi-professional development teams operation on new service channels within the PES – link on-line and development with people needs in the registry (use F2F as a reality check) Challenges – links to national policy developments (such as reform of the public administration) – integrated cross-sectoral on-line services delivery vs. delivery in sectors – meet the needs of the „Z-Gen”. JinT approach

Thank you for your attention!