Sponsorship Opportunities – New York Legal Marketing Association’s Quarterly News Site Contact John Rumely (212) John Rumely or Cindy Tsang (212) Cindy Tsang 1
Home page of the NYLMA news site 2
Ads appear on the right side of each page 3 The top ad is in the premium position and is called “Premium A”
Ads appear on the right side of each page 4 Ads displayed under the premium spot are “Standard” ads
Ads also appear at the bottom of every page after the home page 5 The bottom ad is also in a premium spot, called “Premium B”
Third-party tools verify readership and ad serving statistics We use Google Analytics to track visitor numbers and behavior Data from October 31, 2011… Four days after launching site 6
Third-party tools verify readership and ad serving statistics We can share our real-time ad serving stats with our sponsors! Data from October 31, 2011… Four days after launching site 7
Sponsorship Ad Rates & Specs Ad 160 x 600 pixels Ad 180 x 150 pixels Ad 180 x 150 pixels 8 Static ads Animated ad
Sponsorship Ad Rates & Specs Banner Ad TypeOne issue (3 months)Two issues (6 months) Premium Ad A (top position) $900.00$ per issue Standard Ad$500.00$ per issue Premium Ad B (bottom position) $700.00$ per issue Extras Animation$150.00$ per issue 9
Contact… John RumelyJohn Rumely (212) or Cindy Tsang (212) Cindy Tsang 10