Transportation Conformity Basics Eddie Dancausse FHWA NC Division x112
What is Transportation Conformity? Transportation conformity (conformity) is a way to ensure that Federal funding and approval goes to those transportation activities that are consistent with air quality (AQ) goals.
What is Transportation Conformity? Conformity applies to: Projects funded by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in nonattainment or maintenance areas
Who makes a conformity determination? Eastern Federal Lands (EFL) Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
How often are conformity determinations required? Conformity is only done when there is a FHWA/FTA projects in the nonattainment or maintenance area
Who is involved in determining conformity? An interagency consultation process involving: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EFL FTA State AQ Agency
How do we involve the public? A conformity analysis is made available to the public as part of the MPO and/or State DOT planning process
What are emissions budgets? The State Implementation Plan (SIP) places limits on emissions for each source type (mobile, stationary and area sources). Budgets are developed as a part of the air quality planning process by State AQ agencies and approved by EPA.
What happens when a conformity determination cannot be made? The use of Federal aid funds is stopped Impacts design work, Right-of-Way acquisition, construction, permitting