Blue Sky Express Shipping Shipping Library Materials from Kansas to Colorado and Back
Addressing Packages Henry shipping labels with delivery codes are REQUIRED. The labels have an H monogram in the upper left corner. Look for the link to Colorado shipping labels “CO Blue Sky Libraries” at the Henry Industries website:
Colorado Blue Sky labels
Blue Sky Labels At this time, only libraries that lend through OCLC are included on the Blue Sky labels list. Need to send to another Colorado library? Contact Carolyn at
Packaging Send material to Colorado in a red nylon Kansas Library Express shipping bag.
The Blue Sky Route Colorado shipments are handled by your Kansas Library Express courier. Photo credit: “Snow Capped Rockies on the horizon” by Flickr user jtowns, under a CC license.Snow Capped Rockies on the horizon
How Materials Travel All Blue Sky materials are sent to Colorado by way of Goodland in covered Blue Sky Express shipping crates.
Bags Returning to Kansas Colorado libraries will remove materials from bags. Bags are returned to Northeast Kansas Library System in bundles. The bags are re-distributed to Kansas libraries upon request. Call the NEKLS office (785) or
Transit Time on Blue Sky Monday: Items in Kansas are picked up, then sorted in Wichita. Tuesday: Items are delivered to Goodland Public Library. Later that day, items are picked up by the Colorado courier and delivered to Denver for sorting. Wednesday: Items are delivered to their Colorado destination.
Typical Time Required One additional day is required for transit back to Kansas if the Colorado driver arrives in Goodland after the Kansas delivery is made.
Blue Sky Deliveries For libraries that have 5-day per week courier delivery: –transit time is 3 days for materials shipped to Colorado –Transit time is 4 days for materials shipped to Kansas Additional time is required if either library has 3- day per week courier service.
Colorado Shipping Process Colorado libraries do not use shipping bags. Items shipped from Colorado will be bundled with rubber bands -- 3 or fewer items in each bundle. Blue Sky Express shipments from Colorado are delivered in crates to Wichita. Materials remain in closed shipping crates while in Goodland.
Two states = two ways to ship Kansas libraries follow procedures used for Kansas Library Express shipping (red bags with labels in windows). Colorado libraries follow procedures used for their in-state courier shipping (labeled, rubber banded bundles).
Shipping Is Simple Each state has its own, unique packing and labeling procedures. No one needs to change! What you receive looks different than what you send. This is not a problem!