Addressing the Illinois Public Agenda Elaine P. Maimon, Ph.D. President Governors State University
Need for Public Agenda and DDP in Illinois Percent of population age with an associates degree or higher, 2006 (IBHE Public Agenda - Public Use Microdata Areas).
Need for Public Agenda and DDP in Illinois Economic Policy Institute /
Associate & Bachelors Completion DDP Requires completion of associate degree Public Agenda Goal 1 : regional partnerships Goal 2 : achieve educational objectives faster Goal 3 : expand baccalaureate completion opportunities Goal 4 : cutting-edge educational programs
Significant Incentives DDP Guaranteed GSU admission Tuition freeze GSU Promise scholarship Public Agenda Goal 2 : Ensure college affordability Goal 2 : Assist middle income students Goal 3 : Provide incentives to complete degrees
Advising & Academic Support DDP Collaborative advising Student centered focus Public Agenda Goal 3 : Expansion of transfer tools Goal 3 : Strengthen articulation
Engaging Students
Measuring Success Data sharing among all partners Disaggregating data to measure the effect on low income and minority students
Measuring Success 0% 10% 100% Percentage of students entering community colleges who go on to complete bachelor degree in six years Current Illinois Public Agenda and GSUs DDP – Moving the Needle