Exploration Begins The Pioneers of Exploration c.1500 Prince Henry Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus 1.Country 2.Famous Act 3.Rhyme 1.Country 2.Famous Act 3.Rhyme 1.Country 2.Famous Act 3.Rhyme Your Name
BACK Prince Henry Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus
PRINCE HENRY THE NAVIGATOR Explorer Do you Know? 1. His Country 2. His famous act 3. Rhyme
BACK 1. Portugal 2. Brought together experts to study navigation and exploration 3. Prince Henry, he loved exploration, so he started a school of navigation
VASCA DA GAMA Explorer Do you Know? 1. His Country 2. His famous act/purpose 3. Memory hook
BACK 1. Portugal 2. First European to sail to India (around Africa) 3. Da Gama Da sailed to Da India! Movie clip
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Explorer Do you Know? 1. His Country 2. His famous act/purpose 3. Memory hook
BACK 1. Spain 2. Sailed west looking for route to India, ran into America 3. In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Sailing west to India, Chris ran into America Movie clip