of the
The visual review has 3 or 4 pictures that all relate somehow to each other. While working with a partner, explain in the space provided how all of the pictures relate. Do what you can do! Not what you can’t!
Necessities & luxuries an individual or group enjoys
ready made
Low wages & unemployment Not everyone prospered in the 20s!
Farmers overproduced (Fordson tractor) Prices???
1/3 of American families lived below poverty line during 20s
Americans owned 80% of cars in the world! Defined consumer craze of 1920s
Auto = Biggest industry in 20s
Just $300 when families earned average of $2,000 Model A came in different colors!
Driving = new industries: repair, service stations, steel imports, materials & auto plant jobs
Paved roads for all- weather travel!
Shopping habits Vacation destinations Sunday drives Dating habits “Parking”
Allowed people to buy without having to save 1st
Americans put money down & paid balances in installments Debt no longer shameful to have
Corner stores lost business J.C. Penny, Sears, & Piggly Wiggly Offered lower prices, reliability, better service, & wider choice
Increase in “white collar” jobs What is a “blue collar” job then?