Questions as we get started?
Getting Loopy Unplugged Activity (Course 2, Lesson 5) I need a volunteer to come up and follow my directions. I need a second volunteer to come up and follow my directions.
Getting Loopy Unplugged Activity Which of those sets of instructions was easier for me to ask? Which of those sets of instructions was easier for the volunteers to follow? Would your answers have changed if I had wanted the volunteers to do it 100 times?
Getting Loopy Unplugged Activity
If I want you to perform the same operation multiple times that’s called “looping” because we “loop” over the same command multiple times. When I know in advance how many times that I want you to do something, it is easier for both of us if I just ask you to “repeat it that many times”
Getting Loopy Unplugged Activity Can you think of some other things that we could loop?
Let’s have a DANCE PARTY!
Getting Loopy Unplugged Activity What would the dance look like if we only repeated the main part 2 times? What about 100 times? Could we use the same loops with different dance moves? Can you think of any dances that are done inside a loop
Where COULD we have used loops?
v v 2 v v 2 2 2
Your turn Let’s pick another dance: Chicken Dance:
Debrief What do you like about the lesson itself? Where might your students struggle with this? What might you try differently? What additional activities could you do?
Looking at Issues with Using