Chapter 34
Section 34.1
3 germ layers – ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm acoelomates Bilateral symmetry Anterior and posterior ends Dorsal and ventral surfaces only Flat body plan Flatworms!
Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide directly with the environment to cells by diffusion No circulatory system or respiratory system needed Only one opening where food and wastes pass through! Cephalization
Four Classes: 1. Turbellaria - non-parasitic 2. Trematoda- parasitic 3. Monogenea - parasitic 4. Cestoda –parasitic
4,500 species Mostly marine Swim in wavelike motion Glide over solid surfaces on layer of mucus Example: Planarian Dugesia freshwater Video
Digestive System: Scavengers & predators Decaying plants & animal matter Prey on smaller organism Pharynx – throat that extends to the middle of body video video
Excretory System: Flame Cells – enclosed tufts of cilia that draw excess water together and excretes it through pores video video
Nervous System: Cerebral ganglia : two clusters of nerve cells at anterior “Brain” Can learn Eyespots : sense direction and intensity of light Other senses: touch, water currents, chemicals
Reproductive System : Sexual: Hermaphrodites Eggs laid in protective capsule Hatch in 2-3 weeks Asexual: Regeneration video video Video