Presented by: Sheryl Johnson Founder, BD-PRo Marketing Solutions 1 Integrating Social Media in Your Marketing and Customer Relations Effort
Intro to Sheryl 2 Founder of BD-PRo Marketing Solutions. Over 20 years business experience in a variety of industries. Passionate about marketing and helping you to succeed.
What Are We Going To Cover? 3 Target Market – Who are you selling to? Messaging – What makes you different? Social Media – How to leverage social media What Now? How to get started and keep it going.
Target Market Who are you selling to? 4
Who Are You Selling To? 5 What is a target market? Why is this important? Where to they “hangout” online?
Messaging What makes you different? 6
7 Being Remembered SEO Advertising Direct Mail Social Media Pay Per Click Website Conferences Customer Advocates Getting Found What makes you different? What is your “a-ha?” Profitable Long-lasting Referrals Word-of- Mouth Testimonials Loyalty
What Makes You Different? 8 So what, who cares? And what is your elevator “promise”?
Developing Your Elevator “Promise” 9 Know who you want to talk to. Know what you are trying to accomplish. Describe what you do. Write some action statements. Draft up a few versions of your promise. Practice your speech. Get feedback, use it wisely and finalize your promise. Be prepared for the next time you meet someone. Be ready when someone asks you to “tell me more”
Rate Your Message 10 Marketing Message Evaluation Criteria Rating (1-5) How compelling do you feel this elevator promise is? How clear is this message in defining who this company's target market is? How effectively does this marketing message address the specific interest and concerns of its target market? To what extent can only that company make this statement? How authentic and believable is this message? To what extent is its call to action clear? To what extent does this message have emotional power? To what extent is this message attention grabbing? To what extent is this message consistent with its positioning, brand personality and company culture? 1 – not at all 2 – a little 3 – somewhat 4 – pretty much 5 – very much
Scoring 11 Results: Score 40 to 45: Your message is strong and memorable. Address any low rated criteria. Regularly re-test your message on your target market. Score 30 to 39: Address low-rated criteria and incorporate feedback from your target market. Review your language, use words to better describe what makes you different. Score 15 to 29: Clarify position and reevaluate your message. Address low-rated criteria and incorporate feedback you received from your target market. Review your target market research data and find words to describe how you are different from your competitors. Score under 15: Start all over. Interview your target market for additional insights. Address low-rated criteria and study your target market research data.
Social Media How to leverage social media. 12
Social Media Why is social media important and is it valid for your business? Interesting Social Media stats.
What is the Difference Between Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? 14 To Tweet or Not to Tweet Face the Facts on Facebook From LinkedOut to LinkedIn
What Now? How to get started and keep it going. 15
How to Get Started and Keep it Going 16 Why you can’t “do it all”. Get it right and do it well. Measure and evaluate.
Social Media Strategic Networking 17 Identify the online social media tools where you will meet your target customers. As tempting as it is, don’t just wander around. What information do you want to gather? What do you want to share about yourself? “Listen”, ask questions, and build rapport. Don’t hesitate to ask for a discussion. Prioritize and follow-up.
Quick Actions 18 Be clear about your social media objectives Your personal description Update your Bio based on your learnings from this session Include your website and any other related links Join relevant groups Build your contacts on ongoing basis Decide how much time you can devote and be consistent Consider using a social media management tool
Measure and Evaluate 19 Create a baseline. Measure on an ongoing basis. Evaluate and make changes if necessary. Ask yourself, are you meeting your objectives?
20 Thank-you!