A definitive new approach to App Advertising
AGENDA - The Current Model - Our Approach - Mobile Market Highlights - Improving on the Status Quo - Research Driven Solutions - Our Relationship
The Current Model
THE CURRENT MODEL - Saturation versus accuracy - Generalized target audiences - Quantity over Quality - Minimal transparency
The ADBoutique Model
THE ADBOUTIQUE MODEL - Tailored ad placement - Symbiotic relationships - Honed target markets - Personalized service - Proven approach
Mobile Market Highlights
MOBILE MARKET HIGHLIGHTS The average American spends almost 3 hours a day on a mobile Internet device.
MOBILE MARKET HIGHLIGHTS Smart phones are now outselling Personal Computers. In one year it is estimated that mobile Internet usage will surpass desktop usage.
MOBILE MARKET HIGHLIGHTS There were 5 billion apps downloaded this year. There will be 21 billion downloaded in 2013
MOBILE MARKET HIGHLIGHTS Mobile commerce revenue is expected to reach 163 million by 2015 That will account for 12% of ecommerce globally.
MOBILE MARKET HIGHLIGHTS 79% of smart phone users like getting coupons on their Mobile Devices.
Improving on the Status Quo
THE ADBOUTIQUE MODEL - Symbiotic partnerships - Accurate market analysis - Effective approach - Simple
RESEARCH DRIVEN APPROACH Less than one in every 1000 impressions is clicked.
RESEARCH DRIVEN APPROACH Less than one in every 1000 impressions is clicked. How then, do advertisers help potential customers find waldo?
RESEARCH DRIVEN APPROACH Less than one in every 1000 impressions is clicked. How then, do advertisers help potential customers find waldo? PLACEMENT & REPETITION
PLACEMEN T How important is it to have the ad positioned first or second on an app?
PLACEMEN T How important is it to have your ad positioned first or second on an app? AD #1 AD #2 AD #3
PLACEMEN T How important is it to have your ad positioned first or second on an app? AD #1 AD #2 AD #3 (3x the clicks)
PLACEMEN T How important is it to have your ad positioned first or second on an app? AD #1 AD #2 AD #3 (3x the clicks)(4x the action)
REPETITIO N Does the number of times a potential customer sees my ad influence its effectiveness?
REPETITIO N Does the number of times a potential customer sees my ad influence its effectiveness? An ad seen 5 or more times is 12 times as effective as an ad seen less frequently.
A definitive new approach
IMPROVING TRANSPEARENCY And maximizing target accuracy with tailored strategies. Target market: Gender, Male Age, 18 – 28 Income, $30 - $90k
IMPROVING TRANSPEARENCY Reducing contextual errors and maximizing budget Target market: Gender, Male Age, 18 – 28 Income, $30 - $90k Target market: Gender, Male Age, 18 – 28 Income, $30 - $90k
IMPROVING TRANSPEARENCY Set your limits Control the variables Create your goals
IMPROVING TRANSPEARENCY Reducing contextual errors and maximizing budget Target market: Gender, Male Age, 18 – 28 Income, $30 - $90k Target market: Gender, Male Age, 18 – 28 Income, $30 - $90k
A BOUTIQUE, NOT A SUPERSTORE Why we take time to match ads with apps. The apps in our advertising program are built for people or organizations that already have a loyal following. They attract users who consistently open their apps for informational purposes or to see new content.
BRAND ASSOCIATION Why we take time to match ads with apps. You have the ability to grow and develop with the success of the app. Your ad is placed on apps that directly match your target audience, increasing the number of users interested in your offer.
SIMPLE PRICING STRUCTURE No massive buy-in No complicated payment systems No daily minimum
SIMPLE PRICING STRUCTURE No massive buy-in No bidding chaos No daily minimum One Penny Per Day Per Download
OUR APPROACH Your ad, always first, always there Placement consistency Tailored partnerships Handpicked apps, accurately matched to your target market Potent campaigns Minimal brand dilution and maximum brand recognition Simple. Effective. Tailored
Building a relationship with GS&P
We greatly appreciate your feedback.
Flexibility Open to suggestions Ideas for interaction Not enormous. Effective.