Computer application Simulates a paper work sheet Contain cells Cell: intersection of a row and a column
Data Alphanumeric or Numeric values Formulas : make mathematics operations
Professor Richard Mattessich was the first to develop a computerized spreadsheet.
But it was invented by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston by the fall of The original was VisiCalc for Apple at US $100.
Now this is available for Microsoft.
Financial information: Ability to recalculate after a change Probability problems Increase productivity You can view data in various and easy formats
Raw data: Circle graph: When the data is put into a pie chart is difficult to tell if there are more women or more men in the room. You create a different type of chart by switching to a bar graph. Students can then select the chart wizard to have their raw data automatically put into various types of charts.
Spreadsheets can be used in class work and research activities. In mathematics and the sciences, it can be used to convert temperature figures whether in Celsius or far hermetic. You can also calculate trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
An Excel formula is a calculation that’s placed in a cell using mathematical operators: + (addition) - (subtraction) * (multiplication) / (division) ^ (exponentiation) = (equal sign) ( ) (parenthesis)
A function is a little computer program that performs a calculation or specific task. Adds all of the values =SUM Averages all of the values =AVERAGE Finds the largest value =MAX Finds the smallest value =MIN Returns the number of values within the range: =COUNT
It was the first spreadsheet: at the beginning, there were no fixed decimals, yet, so numbers were carefully typed, which would all look good, with no zeros to be suppressed (e.g., "12.10" would have been "12.1"). VisiCalc used a variation of decimal arithmetic so all money values could be represented exactly, with no funny behavior common at the time from binary floating point.
The advanced version of VisiCalc included features such as variable width columns, improved formatting, and keystroke macros, but it was rapidly replaced.
Some of the new spreadsheets were: › Supercalc (1980) › Microsoft’s Multiplan (1982) › Lotus (1983) › Apple Works’ spreadsheet (1984) › Excel (1985) Improvements have been mande since then.