POP ART: American style with bold images of everyday objects
Pop Art was based on consumerism and “popular culture” Roy Lichenstein…copied comic strips out of the newspaper. Bold Simple Everyday images Vibrant color Hip modern feel
Andy Warhol used advertising and celebrities in his screen printed images
Bold…simple…everyday objects…vibrant color
Its all about popular culture…”Pop Art”
Contemporary Pop Art…
Pop Art Painting with 4 color schemes 1.Choose a comic character, celebrity or advertisment/product you like 2.Draw the image large on 6x9 paper and then trace the image 4 times on the larger 12x18 paper 3.Panel #1 = complementary colors 4.Panel #2 = analogous colors 5.Panel #3 = monochromatic colors 6.Panel #4 = warm or cool colors 7.Paint neatly and avoid tiny details…your image should be large with areas of color blocking. This will have a flat and graphic look.
Pop Art Painting Rubric Character/image___/25 pts Color schemes___/30 pts Craftsmanship___/25 pts Creativity___/20 pts Grade _____/100 pts