PART Introduction to Art
“Portrait with a Green Stripe” Henri Matisse 1905 Fauvism
“Women of Avignon” Picasso 1907 Cubism
“Nude Descending a Staircase” Duchamp 1912 Dada
“Nude Descending a Staircase” Toe upon toe, a snowing flesh, A gold of lemon, root and rind, She sifts in sunlight down the stairs With nothing on. Nor on her mind. We spy beneath the banister A constant thresh of thigh on thigh. Her lips imprint the swinging air That parts to let her parts go by. One-woman waterfall, she wears Her slow descent like a long cape And pausing, on the final stair Collects her motions into shape. --X. J. Kennedy
Duchamp Descending a Staircase
C3PO Descending a Staircase
“Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow” Piet Mondrian 1930 Minimalism
“Composition” 1916
Evolution of Mondrian’s Art
As style developed…colors became bold, geo shapes solid and larger City-inspired
Very severe Black/white grid One small area of color One of his last paintings…
Mondrian highly influenced fashion and design
“Sleep” Salvador Dali 1937 Surrealism
“Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird” Frida Kahlo 1940 Surrealism/Magic Realism
“Nighthawks” Edward Hopper 1942 Realism
Nighthawks by Edward Hopper Khan Academy:
“Blue Poles” Jackson Pollock 1952 Abstract Expressionism
Traditional Art vs. Modern Art Traditional Realistic/ representational Illusion of 3-D/a window Inspiration from external world Not “shocking” Often religious or mythological subjects Detailed, multiple colors Modern Abstract/ non-representational Flat/emphasizes surface (paint canvas) Inspiration from internal life of the artist/emotion Often “shocking” Often normal, everyday scenes Large swaths of color
“Campbell’s Soup Cans” Andy Warhol 1962 Pop Art
“Andy [Warhol] showed the horror of our time as resolutely as Goya in his time.” (Julian Schnabel)