OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO5 - Create and use a simple business spreadsheet. Mr Farmer
Learning/Lesson Objectives We Are Learning To (WALT): Create and use a simple business spreadsheet What I am Looking For (WILF): All tasks (A – I) completed from the Downloadable Tunes AO5 Spreadsheet Assignment.
Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinction Candidates will create a very simple business spreadsheet using a limited number of calculations. Candidates will create an effective business spreadsheet displaying accurate figures. The functions/formulas may not be efficient, but will work. Several different formulas and at least one function will have been used Formulas will be used efficiently and will include the appropriate use of more than one function. There will be sufficient row/column headings to make the spreadsheet reasonably easy to understand. It will contain a title and appropriate row/column headings The spreadsheet will be formatted effectively using a range of format options.. There may be little evidence of formatting. There will be some evidence of a range of formatting. Candidates will edit the spreadsheet by inserting/deleting rows There will be evidence that some of the data has been changed to obtain different results. There will be evidence that some of the data has been changed to obtain different results Candidates will preview and print out their spreadsheet using appropriate page orientation and number of pages. Formula printouts will be includedFormula printout (s) will be included. Candidates will print out their spreadsheet although the format of these printouts might not be suitable. Candidates will preview and print out their spreadsheet using appropriate page orientation and number of pages They will use appropriate headers and footers and will set other print layout features appropriately.
Assignment This assessment objective is based on the Downloadable Tunes Assignment Link to assignment
Task A – Inputting Data Open Microsoft Excel and add the Income and Expenditure data from the assignment. DO NOT ADD FORMATTING (COLOURS, BORDERS, ETC). This will come later. Add a header and footer for your spreadsheet (View > Header and Footer) –Header – Task and Title (E.g Task A Inputting Data) –Footer – Candidate Name & Number (Left) and Centre Name & Number (Right) Save your spreadsheet as: AO5TaskAEvidence(StudentIniatals)
Task B – Formatting Data. Open your spreadsheet from Task A Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskBEvidence(StudentIniatals) You need to format your spreadsheet appropriately. Think about the colours, sizes, etc that you use. Example 1 – Example 2Example 1 Example 2
Task C – Calculating Income and Expenditure Open your spreadsheet from Task B Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskCEvidence(StudentIniatals) You need calculate the income and expenditure –You will need to calculate any income plus VAT. You need to use a formula and a function for this task. Formulae and Functions
Task D – Formula View Open your spreadsheet from Task C Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskDEvidence(StudentIniatals) There are 2 ways to show formulae 1.Ctrl + Tilde (Above Tab) nals/unit_1/ao5/showing_formula.htmlhttp:// nals/unit_1/ao5/showing_formula.html
Task E – Data changed to obtain different results Open your spreadsheet from Task C Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskEEvidence(StudentIniatals) You need to change the amount for order 1001 from £15 to £18 Highlight (Fill in Yellow) the cells that have changed.
Task F – Insert and Delete Rows Open your spreadsheet from Task E Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskFEvidence(StudentIniatals) You need to Insert a new row for order 1014 and add the data. (Right click on the row number and select insert) You also need to Delete the row containing order (Right click on the row number and select delete)
Task G – Calculate the monthly income/expenditure Open your spreadsheet from Task F Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskGEvidence(StudentIniatals) For this task you need to create a new table called Monthly Income/Expenditure Your new table needs 4 columns –Month –Income –Expenditure –Total (Income – Expenditure)
Task H – Formula View Open your spreadsheet from Task G Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskHEvidence(StudentIniatals) There are 2 ways to show formulae 1.Ctrl + Tilde (Above Tab) nals/unit_1/ao5/showing_formula.htmlhttp:// nals/unit_1/ao5/showing_formula.html
Task I – Password Protect Open your spreadsheet from Task H Change the header Save AsFile > Save As > AO5TaskIEvidence(StudentIniatals) The final task is to password protect your spreadsheet You also need to complete
Task I – Password Protect
Links Spreadsheet Tutorials – TeachICT