Sigmund Freud The First Armchair Psychiatrist
Why does he matter? Freud is the first major theorist of Psychology - he begins the movement that views the mind as the source of all behavior Archetype of the psychiatrist - that by figuring out our unconscious thoughts we understand/heal
What is the Unconscious mind? The part of our mind that is repressed We can not knowingly connect to it It only comes out when we are not conscious (e.g. dreams), or by accident - like a reaction (e.g. freudian slip)
How the Unconscious affects us Freud thought that our conscious mind was only a small piece of the mind; that the unconscious contained most of who we are Unconscious motivations are responsible for human behavior
So? If you are to cure anyone you need to go through the unconscious mind
How do you get at the unconscious mind? Free association - patient responds to a prompt Dream analysis - dreams are unconscious urges so try to understand them
How do things fit together? Mind is theoretically composed of several parts: id, ego, superego Id Ego Superego
ID contains instinctual/biological urges - our unconscious desires Problems can happen when ID desires begins to take over.
EGO rational process of our mind that counteracts the Id - takes reality into account
SUPEREGO moral part of our mind, our conscience, holds us to moral principles Problems can also happen when the Superego part of our mind takes control.
Conclusion So Freud was about understanding how the parts of the mind interact - particularly how the unconscious affects our behavior - and using this knowledge to explain and cure ailments