In this tutorial you will learn about how a business can use a spreadsheet model to work out its costs and profit. Costs are what a business has to pay for its good and services. Profit is the money the company makes from sales after its costs have been accounted for. Go to the next slide to play a game of spreadsheet bingo with the rest of the class.
Spreadsheet Bingo instructions Drag and drop one spreadsheet term from the sides of the table into each cell in the table. Listen to the definitions your teacher reads out. If you hear a definition for one of the terms you have chosen, use the Fill tool to colour the term. The first to colour a whole line – either vertical or horizontal – wins! After the game, read the following slides as a class. When you are ready, go to the next slide.
+ / Row Column Brackets * = Graphs Cell Letter Cell References Number - Formulae Formatting =sum Excel =average When you are ready, go to the next slide.
Fast food restaurants sell millions of burgers all over the world every day! Businesses must make a profit. Why? To stay in business – simple! A typical cheeseburger might cost a business £0.53 to make. Bap £0.10 Salad £0.05 Cheese £0.10 Meat £0.25 Tomato Ketchup £0.03 When you are ready, go to the next slide.
AB 1IngredientCost 2Meat£ Cheese£ Salad£ Tomato Ketchup£ Bap£ Total Cost for burger£0.53 9Charge to customers£ Profit£0.56 A typical cheeseburger might cost customers £1.09 to buy. Profit – The difference between the cost of making the burger (£0.53) and the price to the customer (£1.09). To break even – Restaurants must cover their costs of making the burger (£0.53). Loss – If Restaurants charged customers £0.40 for a burger, they would make a loss of £0.13. Go to the next slide to see the learning objectives for this tutorial.
By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Understand models and simulations Add formulae to a spreadsheet to work out costs and profit