Lesson 3 – Creating a spreadsheet to monitor stock using information from your data capture form and your customer database. Then display your data in a different way using a graph. Goals: Interpret and interrogate data from different sources Create a simple spreadsheet entering data and formula to calculate profit (money made) Produce a graph to display two lots of data from your spreadsheet.
Starter (5 Minutes) What do you know about graphs? Try and answer these questions in your booklet How many different types of graph can you name? Which way does the X axis run on a graph? Which way does the Y axis run on a graph?
Task 1 – Creating a spreadsheet to hold information about the stock in the music shop (35 Minutes) Use your data capture forms and the information in your customer database to help you create your spreadsheet. Your Spreadsheet must include the following column headings (running down the sheet): Artist Name Album Name Price CD was bought for Price CD was sold for Profit made on each CD Amount of CDs on the shelf Total profit made Set your page to Landscape (File, Page set up, Landscape) You can now start to enter the data into the correct columns using information from your data capture forms and your customer database.
Task 2 – Displaying data in a graph to make it easier to understand (15 Minutes) You will produce a graph that shows the artists name and how much the music shop profit from selling each of their CDs.
Try and create another type of graph displaying different data from your spreadsheet When finished print your graph out and save your work. Extension Activity
Plenary (5 Minutes) Match keywords to their meaning by finding your partner