Good Hygiene Practices along the coffee chain Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Module 4.3
Slide 2 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Objective and contents Objective To make trainees aware of the main considerations in establishing a HACCP team Contents Pre-conditions for a successful HACCP system Forming the HACCP team Functioning of the HACCP team
Slide 3 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Introducing HACCP Key messages Management commitment is required if a HACCP plan is to be successfully developed Availability of appropriate expertise and resources must be assured
Slide 4 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Initiating HACCP plan development Full commitment of management at all levels is required before starting There should be an explicit statement of the intention of management All personnel must be committed to the implementation of HACCP
Slide 5 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Coordinating HACCP plan development A project coordinator is required to: Select the team responsible for developing the HACCP plan Represent the team before management Assign responsibilities to team members Coordinate the work of the team
Slide 6 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Selecting the HACCP team The right blend of expertise and experience is important Team members should represent all departments of the enterprise Production Sanitation Quality assurance Maintenance / engineering
Slide 7 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Knowledge required Applied aspects of food microbiology The science and technology of the process Technology and equipment used on the processing lines Practical aspects of unit operations and process flow HACCP principles and techniques
Slide 8 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 The case of small enterprises One person may fulfil more than one role within the HACCP team Availability of external technical support is important
Slide 9 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Forming the team – practical considerations One of the first tasks of the HACCP team is to define the scope of the HACCP plan Limit the study to specific product or process Define the part of the food chain to be studied A time line and clear goals should be set for work
Slide 10 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Starting the HACCP plan Team should include personnel involved in the daily processing activities Familiarity with specific variability and limitations of operations Fosters a sense of ownership Complete reliance on outside experts is not recommended Team should not be too large (~ 6) - additional people may be temporarily co-opted for specific tasks
Slide 11 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Assigning responsibilities within the team The team coordinator is charged with distributing the work and responsibilities among team members Tasks include Hazard identification Determination of CCPs Monitoring of CCPs Verification of operations at CCPs Examination of samples and performance of verification procedures
Slide 12 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Meetings of the HACCP team The required number of meetings depends on the complexity and magnitude of operations Meetings should have clear objectives, planned agenda and fixed duration The frequency of meetings should be High enough to maintain momentum Low enough to allow for adequate progress in the interval
Slide 13 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Meetings of the HACCP team Meetings should be chaired by team coordinator Team members should be encouraged to freely express their ideas during meetings
Slide 14 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Resources for HACCP study Management must allocate the necessary resources for the HACCP study, which may include Time for team meetings Costs of any initial training required Necessary documents Access to analytical laboratories Access to information resources as necessary
Slide 15 Module 4.3 – Assemble the HACCP Team – Task 1 Summary Management must provide explicit and tangible support to developing a HACCP plan The HACCP team must be carefully selected to ensure Appropriate blend of knowledge and experience Smooth functioning of the team Commitment to implementing the plan