Unit 5 Evidence Name: Corey jones
1.What software did you use? When doing my unit 5 spreadsheet I used Microsoft excel. 2. Why did you use this rather than something else? I used this software rather than something else because it specialises in creating spreadsheets and table 3. What are the advantages of using this software? Easy to read The layout is clear Use without internet connection It allows me to put all my data together Able to have different types of charts 4. What problems do you see the user have using your system? Some people can not use computers Some people may tamper with the spreadsheet Some people may enter the wrong data Some people may delete work 5.How did you try to minimise the problems? Insert comment for IT literate people to help them Protect cells to avoid the spreadsheet being deleted Use a validation rule to check that the data is correct
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Before Filter Applied
After Filter Applied example 1 What does the filter show? All the people that have the teacher LBR
After Filter Applied example 2 What does the filter show? All the people that have passed
After Sort Applied What does the sort show? Pupils names A to Z
Cell Protection
Worksheet Protection
Maximum Formula When looking at my worksheet I know the maximum score is 65 I then check to see if I am correct it is 65 so the formula works I will do this a couple of times on the sheet
Minimum Formula When looking at my worksheet I know the minimum score is 30 I then check to see if I am correct it is 26 so the formula works I will do this a couple of times on the sheet
Average Formula Explain how checked that this formula produced the results you expected? I would add up the numbers ( 49, 40, 65, 30 and 39 ) divide the number of numbers I have added ( 223/5 = 44 ) the formula rounds the answer to the nearest whole number.
If… Formula Explain how checked that this formula produced the results you expected? If the score is over 50 the student would pass. If it was lower than 50 they would fail.
Conditional Format Explain how checked that this formula produced the results you expected? If the student has failed the box should be red. If the student has passed the box should be green.
How would you find errors in this spreadsheet? Need capital letters Formula is wrong Formula has gone wrong This formula is different to the rest of them 85 is the maximum score Hurd’s The average score should be whole numbers and not decimals This formula is different to the rest.